BOUND VOLUMES, January 17, 2013
A Law Relative to the Streets – Be it ordained by the Trustees of the Village of Cooperstown, that one-fifth part of the street on each side thereof, be appropriated for sidewalks and that no person shall lay, deposit, or leave any wood, timber, wagon, cart, sleigh, wheelbarrow, or other obstruction whatever, in or upon the said sidewalks, under the penalty of twenty-five cents for every offence, and the further sum of twenty-five cents for every twenty-four hours the said obstruction shall be there after suffered to remain on the same. And, be it further ordained, that no person shall drive any wagon, cart, sleigh or sled, or ride on horseback on any of the said sidewalks, under the penalty of twenty-five cents for every offence.
January 16, 1813
Common Schools – The increased attention which is being paid to the improvement of our common schools, cannot but be viewed, by the patriot, with no common gratification and delight. That they need improvement is conceded by all; and that one of the most simple and efficacious methods of promoting and perpetuating that improvement would be to secure to them the services of competent teachers, is so obvious as not to admit of a doubt. The great difficulty – as those most conversant with the subject well know – is, not that good teachers are not to be found, but that proper methods are not used to secure their services. In part, this is owing to the extremely low rate of wages, which is generally accorded to them. But the most essential difficulty consists in the fact, that there is no suitable tribunal, to ascertain and determine their competency.
January 15, 1838
The Italians who come to this country – many of them by the coal and railroad companies – furnish a large number of the worst class of criminals. They are a very undesirable addition to our population.
At Dover, N.H., Mrs. Mary E.G.H. Dow, a wealthy resident and a leading advocate of woman’s rights, was elected president of the street railway company and her husband was elected treasurer. She is the first woman ever chosen to such a position. Would it not have been more discreet for her to have taken the treasureship?
January 20, 1888
The Freeman’s Journal is the first industrial establishment in Cooperstown to take advantage of the electric power current to be furnished by the Clinton Mills Power Company. A representative was in Cooperstown last week and he secured our order for a full equipment of electric motors. The first of these, the motor to drive the main shafting of the printing plant will be in operation within a week. This will do away with all forms of gas and gasoline engines and will be much more sanitary, safe and economical to operate. The mere turning of a switch puts the entire mechanical forces of the plant into operation.
January 15, 1913
Perfect weather conditions marked the opening of a Winter Sports program in Cooperstown over the weekend. Plenty of snow, perfect ice and a crisp, clear atmosphere gave a tremendous zest to the out-of-doors and brought visitors from other communities. The premier events were the initiation of the new ski tow on the ski run operated on the county property at Bowerstown under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, and the first skating party arranged by Len Rayner at the Cooper Inn rinks. There was also fine skating at the community rink at the entrance of Doubleday Field, and a well-patronized winter hike under the leadership of “Cap” George N. Smith, veteran exponent of winter sports in this community.
January 19, 1938
Plans for a new educational wing for Cooperstown’s First Presbyterian Church were approved by a large majority at the annual congregational meeting of the church held last Wednesday evening in the Presbyterian Chapel. The single story structure, designed by the Myron A. Jordan architecture firm in Richfield Springs, would occupy the site on Church Street of the present “Church House” east of the manse. Members of the congregation suggested a number of small alterations of the plans, but gave their approval to the basic plan and authorized the building committee to proceed with raising a capital fund to meet the projected $90,000 cost. The 94 feet by 64 feet addition will house 12 new classrooms, including a crib room, two nurseries, and Kindergarten, primary, junior, junior high and senior high rooms. George H. Harrison is chair of the building committee. (Ed. Note: The structure was never built)
January 16, 1963
From The Richfield Springs Mercury section of The Freeman’s Journal – “Chamber of Commerce Meets” by Ruth Redjives – A breakfast meeting of the Richfield Springs Chamber of Commerce met at the Tally-Ho on Thursday, January 14 at 8 a.m. Sixteen members attended in spite of the minus 20 degree temperatures. Veronica McCoy presided and Lona Smith substituted as secretary for Mildred Dibble who is hospitalized at MIB Hospital. The dates for the Winter Carnival have been set for January 28 through 31. Theresa Vertucci reported that the committee for the Summer Concert Series has received a grant from the Upper Catskill Community Council of the Arts to cover one of the concerts. Mrs. McCoy reported that the Santa Anonymous did a great job this year.
January 20, 1988
Mark it down as a 53-47 Redskins’ victory on the road, but put the word “ugly” in the footnotes. The Hamilton Emerald Knights threw a scare into the undefeated and state-ranked Cooperstown boys’ basketball squad on January 14 with a fourth quarter comeback bid that might have succeeded had Cooperstown not regained its composure in the last minute. The Redskins led 25-24 at halftime and held Hamilton to just eight points in the third period while building a 47-32 lead with eight minutes left. Hamilton came storming back in the fourth period, however, to pull within four points at 51-47.
January 17, 2003