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BOUND VOLUMES, November 21, 2013

Domestic Manufactures – It is with singular pleasure we learn that a complete digest of the returns of the U.S. Marshals regarding the manufactures of the United States &c. has been prepared at the Treasury Department, to be laid before Congress at its next season. The grand aggregate value of these manufactures is upwards of one hundred and seventy millions of dollars though the account excludes flour of all kinds, pot and pearl ashes and some other articles, of which the cost of the original material still constitutes the chief value of the manufactured commodity.
November 20, 1813

Excerpts from a report from the 121st New York State Vols.: The 121st Regiment has again met the enemy – this time with the most gratifying results. We broke camp near Warrenton, Virginia, at daybreak on the 7th inst., and marched with the rest of the corps to within about one mile of Rappahannock Station, at which point the enemy were in considerable force entrenched on both sides of the river. .
November 20, 1863

A committee previously appointed to make a thorough examination of the edifice, reported to the Baptist Church and Society on Thursday evening of last week, that it was their unanimous opinion, sustained by that of a competent builder, that it was inexpedient to attempt the thorough repair and enlargement of the present building; that it would cost fully half what it would to build a new structure and still it would not be what is desired.
November 23, 1888

The inconvenience to which many residents of Cooperstown were put by the discontinuance of the gas service this fall bids fair to be overcome by the use of electricity for fuel purposes. The Colliers Light, Heat & Power Company makes the announcement that Cooperstown people may have electricity installed for fuel purposes upon terms that will make its use fully as economical as gas. The company plans to furnish at cost all stoves and apparatus, and will have a demonstrator here soon.
November 19, 1913

Regulation of outboard motorboats on Otsego Lake is requested in a petition stating in part that the operation of speed boats “has become an intolerable nuisance to the residents along the south shore of Otsego Lake and those further inland including surgical patients in the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital.
November 23, 1938

The Cooperstown Central School Board of Education has announced plans to construct a six-classroom addition plus shower and locker room facilities at its elementary school on Walnut Street. The board has sign Myron A. Jordan, Richfield Springs architect to draw preliminary plans for the addition. Application has also been made to the State Education Department for approval and for state aid which could amount to 68 percent of the estimated $275,000 cost and bond issue interest.
November 20, 1963

Cooperstown’s Friends of the Parks group has received two major grants for improvements at Three Mile Point Park with added funds for work three other village park sites. The Clark Foundation granted $25,000, and a matching grant of $37,750 will come from the NYS Office of Parks.
November 23, 1988

A baseball bat used by New York Yankee slugger Hedeki Matsui was displayed recently by Hall of Fame President Dale Petroskey to 33 members of the Japanese media.
November 21, 2003



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