BOUND VOLUMES, November 28, 2013
Common Schools – Excerpts from directions for inspectors of common schools disseminated by G. Hawley, State Superintendent of Schools: “The trust which the statute has reposed in the inspectors of schools is great. In the discharge of it they are to proceed with caution and fidelity. In the examination of a candidate for teaching a public school they are to look, not less to moral, than to literary qualification; the character of the man, his temper of mind, his patience, and moral habits, are at least as proper subjects for enquiry, as his sufficiency in learning.
November 27, 1813
Excerpts from an editorial by John H. Prentiss: “If the people of the United States have a ruling passion, it is the love of money. In the days of the Revolution and for a few succeeding years, patriotism – a love of country and a love of liberty – were the predominant characteristics. But freedom achieved, gave scope and impetus to enterprise, which under favorable auspices, brought first comfort, then plenty, and lastly superfluity. Hence, naturally and almost imperceptibly, arose first the desire and then the love of wealth – for avarice, or the spirit of gain, is like jealousy – ‘it grows, by that which it doth feed on.’ Gains, unusual and unlooked for gains, came, under these circumstances, to all who had ordinary industry and ordinary prudence.
December 3, 1838
The Watch-Care of Daughters – Parental instinct will guide all who have children of their own in the watch-care which should be bestowed upon their daughters. It will lead them to know what they read, with whom they associate, where they spend their leisure hours.
November 30, 1888
The Delaware and Hudson Railroad was the only bidder at the sale of the Town of Otsego’s railroad stock in front of the Court House last Wednesday. The sale was therefore made to the D &H for $7,500, the price they had agreed to pay for it. The company was represented at the sale by C.A. Walker of New York City, treasurer of the D&H, and Lewis E. Carr, Jr., an attorney. The sale is accompanied by certain conditions which include the removal of all extra or arbitrary freight rates in and out of Cooperstown and the erection of a suitable railroad station in the near future.
November 26, 1913
Charles Cooke, son of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cooke of this village, is the author of the sensationally successful novel “Big Show.” Cooke has the distinction of having written the first book ever to find a place amid the bright lights of New York’s Great White Way. At Broadway and 43rd Street, in the heart of Times Square, there has just been painted on the blank side of the Strand Hotel, across the street from the famous Paramount Building, a huge sign, covering one thousand square feet and extending over four and a half stories of the building.
November 30, 1938
The tragic death by assassination last Friday of President John F. Kennedy brings deep sorrow to the hearts of every American. Americans join in expressing our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Kennedy, their two children, his parents, and his brothers and sisters in this period of utmost grief.
November 27, 1963
The Fourth Grade Cooperstown Elementary honor roll: Candace Clark, Andrew Deichman, Justin Deichman, James Leinhart, Jamie Muehl, Edward Clow, Jennifer Clark, Sarah Heitz, Natalie Laidlaw, Ryan Miosek, Rebecca Alpern, Christoper Bussman, Jamie Bertino, Renee Welch, Ben Ingalls, Lindsay Coleman, Kasey Connor, Maud Selendy, Karen Lettis, Megan Oberriter, Kenneth MacLeish, Christopher Lott, Shawn Pokorney, Mary Beth Crippen, Kate Deringer, Emera Bridger, Melissa Walrath, Molly Welch, Alanna Murphy, Fred Obermeyer, Terri Miller, Amanda Coleman, Justin Bennett, Gretchen Morrison, Summer Killian, Micah Porter, Natalie Wightman, and Matt Trolio.
November 30, 1988
Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (R-New Hartford) supports passage of the amended Medicare Prescription Drug Bill that will bring an additional $60 million to 10 hospitals in his district. Additionally, reimbursement rates for physicians will increase by 1.5 percent instead of taking a 4.5 percent cut. Over the next ten years Bassett Hospital will receive more than $5.6 million under the amendment lobbied by Boehlert and other upstate Republicans.
November 28, 2003