


WILCOX: Another Call for Voters

Letter from Keith Willcox Another Call for Voters In his letter of October 13th, Bruce Beckert gives a concise image of the current Republican Party. His sources of honest information might’ve included Fox News and Infowars, but those in the know are already familiar with them. He did sign his name, which puts him ahead of the “Sound-Offers” in that other paper. Most importantly, he urges us all to vote. Not to worry, Mr. Beckert. Keith WillcoxRoseboom…


Letters: Bassett Responds

Letters to the Editor Bassett Responds As I frequently hear from our patients (many of whom are family, friends, and neighbors) it’s often difficult to schedule an appointment with Bassett. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear from a patient or family member about their challenging experience accessing care, and a recent editorial published by one of our community members in this newspaper really hit home. Long hold times, dropped calls, unreliable customer service, limited appointment availability, and…


ZAGATA: Rising To The Fly On Natural Gas

Column by Mike Zagata, August 31, 2018 Rising To The Fly On Natural Gas One of the main reasons that local brook trout don’t get very big is that they tend to rise to and take the first dry fly that is drifted over them. During my professional career, I have avoided “rising to the fly,” but my fellow columnist, Adrian Kuzminski, in his Aug. 23-24, 2018 article, floated one that was just too tempting. He was commenting on my…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JAN. 26 ‘Know Your Rights’ At Hartwick College DISCUSSION – 7-8 p.m. Dinner and a Panel discussion “Know Your Rights.” Chesebro Room, Dewar Hall, Hartwick College, Harwick Dr., Oneonta. Info, CONFERENCE – 8:30-10 a.m. Local manufacturers and training providers meet to discuss goals to ensure there is a trained workforce in the county to meet employers needs. Reservation required. Foothills Performing Arts Center, 24 Market St., Oneonta. Info, Barbara Ann Heegan, President/CEO Otsego County Chamber of…