For 18th Year, Garlic Sale
On At Dancin’ Veggie Farm
Rachel Ainslie, top photo, who operates the Dancin’ Veggie Farm off Fly Creek Valley Road near the Town of Richfield line with husband Warren, answers Oneontan Lara Meyers’ questions during the annual garlic sale, underway until 6 p.m. today for the 18th year. Lara was attending with mom Sharon from Burlington Flats. All the garlic is Elmer’s Top Set, named after a neighbor who provided the Ainslies with their first garlic plants. Warren said that, despite all the different names for garlic, there are only about 10 varies, although Bob Rothenberg of Oneonta, attending with wife Monet, pointed out that the soil and growing conditions can create a range of flavor within the 10 varieties. The Ainslies were being helped by daughters, Ida, 23, now a student at St. Rose in Albany, and Martha, 20, who is at home, plus Jasmine Bonadies, 13, a friend from Oneonta. The Ainslies’ dog, Buddy, was aproned-up to help with the sale, but seems to be spending most of the day napping. (Jim Kevlin/
Talk to someone in early July on your farm and they said to contact you in later July to see how the garlic was going. I would definitely want to buy between 5 and 10 lb of garlic from you if you had it I’ve done it in the past at the festival at the Vermont Garlic Festival