Republican Otsego Town Board candidate Joe Potrikus addresses voters in the Pierstown Grange this evening. Seating from left are Democratic Town Board incumbent Bennett Sandler, moderator Paul Lord, Democratic Town Board candidate Richard Sternberg, County Rep. Rick Hulse, R-Fly Creek, and his Democratic challenger, Andrew Marietta, and Town Justice Gary Kuch and Leslie Friedman. Present, but not shown in the picture, are Jim Tallman, who is also running for Otsego town justice, and Paul Russo, running for Otsego Town Board. (Don Mathisen/ than 100 citizens turned out in the Hartwick Community Center this evening to hear sometimes lively exchanges between candidates for town supervisor, from left, Town Supervisor David Butler, Bob O’Brien and Juli Sharratt. O’Brien won the Republican primary, and the GOP was able to bump Sharratt off the Democratic line and Butler off the Conservative line. However, both Sharratt and Butler will appear on independent lines in the Nov. 3 general election ballot. County Rep. Ed Lentz, D-New Lisbon, and his challenger, Republican Meg Kennedy, and other candidates also appeared.