News from the Heart of Otsego by Darla M. Youngs
Barbecues, LEGOs and the Old School…
It’s been a while since my last column, and for that I apologize. How is it almost the end of February already?! Well, let’s jump right in…
The Hartwick Vets Club Pitch Tournament is this Saturday, February 24, at the Hartwick American Legion Post 1567. The cost to participate is $20.00 per team, which includes lunch, and there will be a cash bar. Doors open at noon, with a 1 p.m. tournament start time. There’s no preregistration prior to Saturday—it’s first come, first served, with a 20-team maximum.
Upcoming events at the Kinney Memorial Library include a visit from the Susquehanna Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on Wednesday, February 21 during Story Time, which begins at 10:30 a.m. Library staff will be collecting items for the SQSPCA through the end of this month, and I’m told they collect for the local food bank on a daily basis. By the way, Story Time runs every Wednesday. “Crocheting for Kids” is scheduled for Saturday, March 2 at 2 p.m., “Crocheting for Adults” is on Saturday, March 9 at 2 p.m. and on Saturday, March 16 the library will host a program, “Starting Your Garden.” Did you know the library has a LEGO Club that meets once a month? Block-building aficionados are invited to attend on Saturday, February 24 and will meet again on Saturday, March 30. Call (607) 293-6600 for more information. On March 20, the Book Club meets at 2 p.m.—Barb Potter tells me they are reading “Still Life,” by Louise Penny. Which is a wonderful book, by the way. Oh, and the library is now lending puzzles, with more than 100 from which to choose!
The Hartwick Historical Society hosted a talk recently by railroad historian Jim Loudon about the Leatherstocking Route of the Otsego Trolley Line, which at one time passed through Hartwick. “You missed a good one,” HHS officials wrote on Facebook, where they provided a link to the video for those who are interested: Enjoy!
I reached out to Bryan LoRusso for an update on progress at the former Hartwick school building. This is his report: “My family purchased the ‘Old School’ in 2023. Since the closing on the property, it has been quite an undertaking to clean the structure out and begin the process of rehabilitation. As with many structures that sit unoccupied for long periods of time, in this case nearly 40 years, the clean-up process has proven to be quite immense. The true upside in the task has been the small reminders of days past found in the building, as well as the walls of the building commemorating local people and events in the Town of Hartwick. We have not formulated a final plan of use for the structure, but we are certain it will be another beautiful addition to the hamlet when all is said and done. As of right now, the tentative plan is to move our family business to this location. This building provides not only plenty of office space, storage space, etc., but when renovation is complete, it will also provide a nearby, safe area for our children’s children (grandchildren) to be while we all work.” Can’t wait to see this building when the renovations are complete.

You may recognize second-grader Carmen Rodriguez, shown here standing proudly next to her artwork. Her creation is one of more than 100 pieces currently on display in the SQSPCA adoption wing as part of its “Paws and Reflect” exhibit, held in conjunction with Cooperstown Elementary School. Carmen, a neighbor of mine, is the daughter of Amber Hill and Phillip Rodriguez. You can view “Paws and Reflect” through this Saturday, February 24.
Mark your calendars now for Sunday, April 7. That’s when Hartwick Fire Company No. 1 on County Highway 11 will hold its annual Chicken Bar-B-Que Dinner, from noon until 5 p.m. (unless sold out). Dinners include their signature marinated barbecue chicken, slow roasted baked potato, baked beans, coleslaw, and a dessert for just $15.00, and proceeds support the efforts of our local firefighters. This event is dine in or take out; whole dinners only.
The next Town Board meeting, if you are inclined to attend, is on Monday, March 11 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. I’m looking for reporters to cover municipal meetings for “The Freeman’s Journal” and “Hometown Oneonta,” in Hartwick and throughout the county. If you’re interested, please give me a call at (607) 547-6103.
Finally, I leave you with a few personal observations of the culinary kind, specific to our little hamlet. Best baked goods: Freight Wheel Café. Best French fries: The Hartwick Restaurant. Best sausage, peppers and onions: Mirabito. You’re welcome!
Darla M. Youngs is a resident of the hamlet of Hartwick, a bit of a hermit, and general manager and senior editor of Iron String Press. Those wishing to contribute to this monthly column are invited to send information and photos to