
milford - Page 167

HOMETOWN HISTORY, November 22, 2013

HOMETOWN HISTORY, November 22, 2013 125 Years Ago At 2 p.m. Tuesday, the new First Presbyterian Church was filled with a devout congregation, the occasion being the dedication of the edifice. The building is built of brick and stone, in the English gothic style. The total seating capacity of the church is 900. Other divisions of the church are an infant classroom, a kitchen, library room, closets, and parlor. The windows are of stained glass, three being memorials. November 1888…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, December 13, 2013

HOMETOWN HISTORY, December 13, 2013 125 Years Ago Maternal influence: Why do men mostly part their hair on the left side? – Because they are brought up to it from infancy. A mother facing her boy always holds the comb in her right hand, and it being easiest to comb the hair left to right, she parts it on the left. The boy, when he grows up and is able to comb his own hair, finds the part on that…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, February 21, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, February 21, 2014 125 Years Ago Knights of the Road – The resident of a neighboring town noticed, and the family had commented on, the unusual frequency of visits to their home from the Knights of the Road. When looking from the sitting room window one day he observed an able-bodied man hesitatingly swing the gate on its hinges, and after scanning the gate post a moment, with a confident step, boldly walk up to the back door.…

HOMETOWN HISTORY, February 28, 2014

HOMETOWN HISTORY, February 28, 2014 125 Years Ago The Local News – Will Fleming’s new brick residence on Cedar Street, just off Elm Street, is now completed and Mr. Fleming will move into it in a few days. It is supplied with every modern convenience, and possessing a fine location, is one of the pleasantest places in the village. The Oneonta Fish and Game Protective Association will make it their special business to detect and prosecute all violations of the…


HOMETOWN HISTORY, July 4, 2014 125 Years Ago The third annual meeting of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Otsego County was held in the M.E. Church at Milford, June 19th and 20th. The Superintendent of Unfermented Wines reported that, of the 22 churches responding to inquiries, eighteen used unfermented wine, and of the four using fermented wine, at least one had been the cause of the fall of a reclaimed man, who at tasting wine at communion, aroused his…

BOUND VOLUMES, May 31, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, May 31, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Financial matters – Congress has made appropriations for the support of government for the year 1812, passed February 26, 1812, for $1,264,412.54. Congress has passed a bill appropriating fifty thousand dollars for the relief of the sufferers by the late earthquake at Venezuela. The president is empowered to purchase provisions to that amount and cause them to be exported to Carraccas. The Treasury Department statement of the probable application during the year…

BOUND VOLUMES, June 7, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, June 7, 2012 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – Carding Notice – The Subscribers have entered into a co-partnership in the Carding business, and have furnished themselves with a good Picking machine, and two Carding machines, which are entirely new. One of them is covered with the finest kind of cards, suitable for carding Merino wool. The machines are in complete operation at Fairchild’s Mills, on the Oaks Creek, one mile west of Captain North’s Inn, in the Town…

BOUND VOLUMES, September 13, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, September 13, 2012 200 YEARS AGO On Saturday, last, toward sunset, the sound of drum and fife, announced something martial. Soon, a regiment of volunteer militia commanded by Lieut. Col. Farrington, from the county of Delaware, appeared, preceded by an escort from this village of about 30 citizens, on horseback and a number of infantry. The regiments pitched their beautiful tents near to and eastwardly of the Court-house, which exhibited a spectacle, novel and interesting to a great…

BOUND VOLUMES, October 18, 2012

BOUND VOLUMES, October 18, 2012 175 YEARS AGO Democracy in Harmony with Social Progress – Equality Against Privilege – The doctrine that government should rest on property is no American doctrine. It belongs to the school of the English aristocracy; it may suit the aristocracy of finance that seeks to plant itself firmly in the court of Louis Philippe; America rejects the doctrine; and the men of Massachusetts, who, in the first days of the Commonwealth, unhappily disenfranchised many, were…

BOUND VOLUMES, January 24, 2013

BOUND VOLUMES, January 24, 2013 200 YEARS AGO Boston – Yesterday, the specie, amounting to about 168,000 dollars, captured by Commodore Rodgers’ squadron on board the British Swallow Packet, bound from Jamaica to England, was landed at the Navy Yard in Charlestown under the direction and order of the Marshal of the district, who caused it to be placed in six wagons, which, with colors flying and drums beating, attended by the boat’s crews of the squadron, and protected by…