
Cooperstown to Fly Creek


One-Injury Crash Clogs Route 28 At Rush Hour

One-Injury Crash Clogs Route 28 At Rush Hour Route 28 between Cooperstown and Fly Creek has been closed for the past 20 minutes after a northbound AllStar Taxi van ran into the back of a northbound tan Ford SUV that was turning left into the Haggerty Road subdivision. This is why it’s so important for people who are driving to stay vigilant, as this might have been avoided if the taxi driver was paying more attention. However, it might not…


Work On 2 Culverts Clogging Route 28

Work On 2 Culverts Clogging Route 28 Coop-Fly Creek Tie-Ups End Dec. 1 COOPERSTOWN – As, drivers on Route 28 between here and Fly Creek have noticed, the state Department of Transportation began work the day after Labor Day on a project that is clogging traffic both ways, particularly during rush hours. The DOT is replacing two concrete box culverts, work that will continue until Dec. 1.…