
mayor mark drnek


Residents Oppose Tax Hike, Request More Transparency

The November 19 Oneonta Common Council meeting attracted about 25 concerned citizens, the equivalent of a full house. There were 20 motions on the agenda. The council debated various issues for more than four hours. Just before 10 p.m., the council approved the proposed 2025 budget and voted to exceed the tax cap. By this time, only three members of the audience remained. Two were city employees, Brian Knapp, the fire chief, and Chris Yacobucci, director of Public Works.…


The Ties that Bind: Historical Association Unveils D&H Marker

The unveiling ceremony was presented by GOHS Executive Director Marcela Micucci, PhD, and her colleague, Bhanu Gaur, who serves as the Oneonta History Center attendant. On hand in support of the unveiling were Senator Peter Oberacker, the Avanzato family—owners of the former Stella Luna restaurant—and many other enthusiastic citizens who shared memories and stories of the D&H Railroad.…

Happenin’ Otsego: 05-11-24

SPRING—Noon. “City-Town Clean Up Day.” Clean up the community with town and city officials. Gloves and bags available. Meet at 258 Main Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-6450 or visit or visit…


Public Question, Answer Session Held by Mayor

Mayor Drnek and City Administrator Greg Mattice, PE, answered questions for more than two hours. Executive Director of the Greater Oneonta Historical Society and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission Marcela Micucci fielded questions from the audience.…

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