
Otsego County Planning Department


KENNEDY: Springbrook Thanks County for its Help

Letter from Patricia Kennedy Springbrook Thanks County for its Help On November 15, New York State announced more than $33 million in Community Development Block Grant funding, awarded to dozens of municipalities for local infrastructure improvement and housing rehabilitation projects. Otsego County and Springbrook applied for and received a $300,000.00 grant for CDBG funds which will go toward the development and implementation of safety fencing around the perimeter of the main campus, the location of The School at Springbrook and…


Twice As Many Countians Say Homes In Bad Shape v. Good

Twice As Many Countians Say Homes In Bad Shape v. Good COOPERSTOWN – An online survey of 374 Otsego County people released today found twice as many say their home are in bad shape vs. “excellent” shape. The survey, by the county Planning Department and Otsego Rural Housing Assistance, found 14 percent of respondents believe their homes are “excellent”; 27.6 percent ranked their homes as “poor” or “needs immediate attention.” More than half of respondents (58 percent) rated their homes…