
Otsego Lake - Page 2


Editorial: A New Perspective

The exhibition, in its first appearance before it begins some wide traveling, and to Denmark as well, is outstanding, both in its inside gallery, which is a traditional exhibition space, and in its outside space, not so traditional, overlooking beautiful Otsego Lake and far-off surrounding hillsides.…


Editorial: Running in Otsego

In our lakes and streams, the white suckers have begun their annual spring run. The first fish to run each year, and the most numerous, these bottom-feeding fish have fleshy lips at the underside of their heads that scoop up algae, small invertebrates, and plants from the bottom of lakes and rivers.…


Moon Over Glimmerglass

SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Research Support Specialist Holly Waterfield said 2024 is the first year there has been open water on the lake for the majority of the time. “We haven’t seen this before,” Waterfield said.…


Harman: ‘My Thanks to All’

My work for the past six decades has been my passion and a labor of love. I truly appreciate the accolades, but would emphasize that it takes a community—our community of concerned stakeholders—who have provided long-term support and contributions to the efforts at the Biological Field Station.…