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Welcome Home Cooperstown Meet, Greets Return Tonight with Library Lovers’ Celebration

COOPERSTOWN—The first of Welcome Home Cooperstown’s monthly meet and greets will be held on Tuesday, February 4 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Village Hall, 22 Main Street. The event is intended to welcome newcomers to the community, to share information and to make connections with established residents. All members of the community are welcome to attend.

The meet and greet on February 4 will include general information about the Cooperstown area and institutions, with a special focus on the Village Library of Cooperstown in celebration of Library Lovers’ Month. Area residents are encouraged to attend and learn about the library’s activities, particularly family crafts and stories. Local musician Luke Gheen will provide entertainment, and refreshments are being sponsored by the Library Trustees and the Friends of the Village Library Board.

Welcome Home Cooperstown hosts monthly gatherings designed to bring together new area residents with longtime community members. The goal is to welcome area newcomers and assist them in building connections to established residents and institutions, and to encourage them to make the Cooperstown area their permanent home.

Members of the Welcome Home Cooperstown committee include interested citizens and representatives from the Village of Cooperstown, Bassett Healthcare, Cooperstown Central School, and the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce, with support from the Friends of the Village Library and The Community Foundation of Otsego County.


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