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Celebrate Independence Day
with concert, fireworks, parade!

Start your Independence Day celebrations with the Hometown Heroes kick-off concert dedicated to the essential workers who have given so much during the pandemic. The concert will feature the Michael Christopher country band performing their greatest hits. Free admission. Presented by Hometown 4th at 7:30 p.m., Friday, July 2, at Neahwa Park in Oneonta. Visit for information.

Celebrate the Fourth of July with The Farmers’ Museum featuring a dramatic reading of The Declaration of Independence at noon. There will be craft demonstrations throughout the day, historic children’s games on the Tavern Green, the first performance of the season of a “Box and Cox” show by the Templeton players and more. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, July 4. Call 607-547-1450 or for information.

View the decorated boats at the annual Independence day Boat Parade presented by the Otsego Lake Association. This year’s theme is ‘Here Comes the Sun’ from the song by the Beatles. Line up is at 3 p.m., Saturday, July 3, at Three Mile Point and will proceed down the west side of the lake to Lakefront Park. Visit for information.

Oneonta Independence Day festivities begin with the Main Street Parade, which starts at Foothills Performing Arts Center and procedes along Main Street to Neahwa Park. Essential workers are invited to participate. At 1 p.m.
After the parade, enjoy the festival in Neahwa Park featuring food, live music on the main stage and local artisans. Gary Herzig and Oneonta mayoral candidates will speak to thank the workers for their service.From 2 to 11 p.m.
In the evening, Five Star Subaru will present the fireworks and they will be ‘twice as intense’ as in years past. At 9:30 p.m., Sunday, July 4, Neahwa Park in Oneonta. Visit for more information.

Spend one more evening celebrating our Independence.
The Cooperstown Volunteer Fire Department will be presenting fireworks from Lakefront Park at dusk. Monday, July 5.

Help the Cooperstown Veterans Club retire worn American Flags with full honors. At the Cooperstown Sports Club, 110 Sportsmans Lane, near Cooperstown. At 11 a.m.
Saturday, July 3. Call 607-547-8282.

Learn about the social dances of the Iroquois nations with the Haudenosaunee Dancers, a group from the Syracuse area known for their pride in their traditions. Dance will include presentation by troupe leader Sherri Waterman-Hopper who has travelled internationally as an artist and cultural speaker. Throughout the day, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, July 3. At Iroquois Indian Museum, 324 Caverns Road in Howes Cave.


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