
Columns - Page 92


COLUMN: If Facts Can’t Defuse Deniers, What Can?

The View From Fly Creek If Facts Can’t Defuse Deniers, What Can? ‘What is Truth?” Pontius Pilate famously asked. Lately, it seems a bigger question than ever. If, like me, you surf between conservative and liberal websites, Fox News and CNN/MSNBC, talk radio and PBS, Sean Hannity and Alan Chartock, you know that you’re getting radically different, irreconcilable versions of the truth on virtually any subject. It’s scary. The other day, driving down Fly Creek valley, it was Glenn Beck…


ATTENTION PARENTS! Vaping Is Threatening Your Kids

COLUMN ATTENTION PARENTS! Vaping Is Threatening Your Kids Editor’s Note: CCS Superintendent of Schools Bill Crankshaw sent this cautionary letter to parents. Dear Parents and Caregivers, Cooperstown Central School District has experienced a sharp increase in “vaping.” This dangerous trend is a common concern in almost all schools nationally. Locally, the most current Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2018) indicates that 44 percent of high school students, grades 9-72, in Otsego County have used vapor products. This is a staggering statistic…


Is Any Government Agency Efficient?

COLUMN Is Any Government Agency Efficient? By MIKE ZAGATA • View From West Davenport When Bernie Sanders starts a sentence by saying “The truth on this matter is,” it’s time to reach for your wallet to see if it’s still there.  He’s not alone in that regard, as there are lots of candidates trying to sell us on the virtues of socialism.  To learn how socialism has affected you, read the last three paragraphs. The major differences between socialism and…


Slow-Walking Inflation-Rate Hikes Hurt Poor

COLUMN Slow-Walking Inflation-Rate Hikes Hurt Poor By DAN MASKIN • CEO, Opportunities For Otsego Mollie Orshansky was an economist at the Social Security Administration in the 1960s. At the time, she proposed Official Poverty Thresholds (OPM) based on the cost of food. She calculated that any family earning less than three times the USDA estimate for the subsistence food budget was  considered poor. That’s how the poverty guidelines began. These thresholds have remained in place for the last 50 years…


KUZMINSKI: Can Only Small Business Save ‘Common’ For All?

COLUMN Can Only Small Business Save ‘Common’ For All? One of the landmarks of the early environmental movement was the essay, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” published in 1968 by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in Science. It can be to an individual’s private advantage, he points out, to exploit common resources at the expense of others. In the absence of other constraints, he argued, most people will take more than their share, out of greed or fear, eventually depleting the…


ZAGATA: Power Grid Mixes Good, Bad And Ugly Electrons

COLUMN THE VIEW FROM WEST DAVENPORT Power Grid Mixes Good, Bad And Ugly Electrons A few weeks ago, an article appeared about installing a geo-thermal system to heat and cool the family home. The subject was very transparent about the fact geo-thermal systems require considerable electricity to run the pumps that circulate the fluid and to provide the energy necessary to make up the differential between the temperature of the water sourced from beneath the ground (normally 55 degrees) and…


If Johnson City, Then Why Not Cooperstown?

COLUMN If Johnson City, Then Why Not Cooperstown? Editor’s Note: Oneonta’s City Hall is actively helping private developers revive its downtown, but downstate developers are starting to recognize a demand for housing Upstate and seeking to fill the need. Per this report on, might someone consider Cooperstown’s vacant downtown CVS as an opportunity? JOHNSON CITY – A New York City developer has plans to build a three-story, multi-family apartment building in Johnson City. Praveen Kamath, founder and managing member of AOM…


‘Love Conquers All’: At Colgate Graduation, Delgado Says He Resisted Fighting Fire With Fire

COLUMN ‘Love Conquers All’ At Colgate Graduation, Delgado Says He Resisted Fighting Hate With Hate Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado’s commencement address Sunday, May 19, at Colgate University, his alma mater.  Click here to read related editorial. I want to start with a story about my mother, who has often told me that she loves me with every fiber of her being, and there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it. She…


STERNBERG: Blame Businesspeople For Downtown

COLUMN Blame Businesspeople For Downtown Woes In response to last week’s editorial regarding Cooperstown purchasing the old CVS building … What rot! I can only believe that this is either sarcasm or your newspaper trying to roil the waters for the sake of selling more newspapers. It is not the position of a very small municipality that struggles to put together a balanced budget every year while maintaining an adequate reserve, to be buying up public property for the sake…


TILLAPAUGH: Prosperity, Offerings About Here

COLUMN Prosperity, Offerings About Cooperstown Editor’s Note: Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch delivered these welcoming remarks when NYCOM, the New York Conference of Mayors, convened Sunday, May 6, at The Otesaga, for its three-day annual conference. I have had the opportunity over the past year to welcome several groups to Cooperstown – but I have to say this is one of the more intimidating as I am facing a room of peers – elected officials who have all had to provide…

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