Coop Farmers’ Market
Makes Parade’s Top 25

COOPERSTOWN – Parade, the national in-newspaper magazine, has named the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market one of the 25 best in the nation.
Sponsored by Otsego 2000, the market “draws 30 growers, producers and artisans from within 50 miles,” Parade reports, “who offer up New York apples and cider, summer corn, maple syrup, pastured meats, poultry and farmstead cheeses – there’s even a local spirit distillery – along with baked goods and crafts.”
Number one is the KCC Farmers’ Market in Honolulu, which features such things as sweet Manoa lettuce, skinny Thai papayas, sugar bananas and lilikoi (passionfruit) honey,” not available here.
Amelia Saltsman, who compiled the list, said she chose markets that sell “sustainably raised” local produce, eggs, poultry, “lot of diversity.”
Also, all 25 include “food justice” components, accepting WIC, SNAP and other food programs aimed at helping low-income people.
“There’s no better way to get a sense of place than with a visit to a good farmers’ market,” Saltsman said. “You quickly get a sense of the community, climate, season and the foods that define a location.”