Cooperstown Center Honors Two of Its Own
Last week, Cooperstown Center recognized two of its own in honor of National Social Work Month.
Director of Social Work Amanda Morse and Case Manager Shelby Nickerson received gift pouches filled with an assortment of fun necessities in recognition of their hard work, which officials said is highly valued every day.
“They are both dedicated and driven to help our residents,” said Cooperstown Center Administrator Jo Peterson of Morse and Nickerson. “They both strive to ensure our residents always have support, no matter if they are staying with us long term or transitioning back to the community.”
“I was here at Centers from 2020-2022, before taking a break from healthcare, and just returned to Centers in my former social work role about two months ago,” Unadilla resident Morse wrote in an e-mail.
“I think it’s great to be recognized, as a social worker’s job is extremely important in any setting, including long-term care and short-term rehab,” Morse said. “A lot goes into my job on a day-to-day basis that I don’t think many realize, so it’s appreciated being recognized for all the hard work we do on a daily basis.
“National Social Work Month not only recognizes myself and others in the field, but encourages support of the overall profession, the hard work we all do and the importance of the profession across so many different disciplines in society,” Morse wrote.
“I have worked at Cooperstown Center for the last year and a half,” said Nickerson, who lives in Hobart. “It is a great honor to be recognized, but in all honesty, I could not do what I do without the help and support of a great team. National Social Work Month is a time to appreciate and recognize the hard work by social workers to advocate, support, and assist our patients/residents and their families in achieving their goals and making life for them a little bit easier every day.
“Our patients/residents deserve our very best efforts in helping them adjust to their new homes and to feel safe and comfortable. To be able to assist them with their needs is an honor all in its own every day,” Nickerson wrote in an e-mail.
According to nationaldaycalendar.com, National Social Work Month was first organized in March of 1963 by the National Association of Social Workers as a way to encourage public support for the profession. The White House, under President Ronald Reagan, officially recognized March as National Social Work Month in 1984. Social Work Month encourages support of the profession, uplifts social workers, and celebrates their contributions. The theme for this year, chosen by the National Association of Social Workers, is “Empowering Social Workers!”
Cooperstown Center is located on Phoenix Mills Cross Road, just south of the Village of Cooperstown. For more information, visit https://cooperstown-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org/