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Letter from Willard C. Dann

Donald Trump Is Not the Answer

Folks, here we are again. Everyone knows the facts. Make no mistake, Donald Trump is a deranged madman. He is not capable of properly leading anything, let alone our country.

He cares nothing about you, or me, or our Constitution or country. He cares only about himself and money and power. He will do absolutely anything to get what he wants. His penchant for divisiveness is such a serious sickness, it makes him a very dangerous individual.

If he takes over the White House again, we the people will lose everything we know and love. He will be a totalitarian dictator who controls everything, including all factual news channels and all other things that are true and honest.

As critical as things are with this election, we the people still have a chance to save ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, future generations, our democracy and our country.

Friends, this time, we can’t just sit home and assume things will be fine. We all need to cast our votes on November 5. This is probably the most important thing you or I will ever do.

When you sit down with your ballot, take a few minutes and think, “Am I doing the right thing for our country and its future?” Or, “Am I going to help throw away everything we know and love?”

We do have this one more chance. Our lives are all at stake. It’s not hard to know what is the only right and sensible way to vote.

Vote for Kamala Harris and continue the love of life we’ve always known. Vote for the Constitution and country that thousands and thousands have died to protect.

Willard C. Dann
Vietnam Purple Heart veteran


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