Land Trust Announces Photo Winners

COOPERSTOWN – Photographers Elizabeth Walker (professional), Abby Rodd (amateur) and Walker Claiborne (youth) are winners of the Otsego Lake Trust’s 2014 photo contest on the theme, “For the Love of Land & Water.”
“The fifth annual contest’s theme was about the connection of people to the lands and waters that sustain us. The photos we received depict the happiness, joy and peace that is created in that connection” explained OLT Outreach Coordinator, Sara Scheeren.
The 2014 contest was co-sponsored by the Canadarago Lake Improvement Association, who is helping to host the upcoming “For the Love of Land & Water” photo exhibit, Saturday, March 7th, 4pm-8pm at the Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs.
“We are excited to introduce the 2015 photo contest theme as ‘Focus on Our Furry Friends’ with our new co-sponsor, the Susquehanna Animal Shelter, a great organization serving a large area and working towards an urgent and necessary cause.” Scheeren continues, “With this photo subject, we are seeking pictures of people and their pets, or just their pets, enjoying and exploring the great outdoors.”
The contest deadline is Dec. 31, 2015. Photos may be submitted to Ms. Scheeren at any point throughout the year. For further guidelines and submission forms, please visit