
angel hill


Life Sketches: Buddy’s Song

Well over 40 years ago, my good friend Buddy Crist was diagnosed with what doctors thought was Lou Gehrig’s disease. Believing that he didn’t have much time left, he decided not to withdraw from an active life but to instead embrace everyone he knew by throwing a weekend mountain party up on his beloved Angel Hill outside the village of Schuyler Lake.…


BERKSON:  Lady With Horse

LETTER from TERRY BERKSON Lady With Horse I heard about Lady Ostapeck about 20 years ago at my friend Buddy Crist’s house on Angel Hill outside of Schuyler Lake. There was a picture hanging on his living room wall. It was of a man dressed in a Tolstoy-like shirt standing in the doorway of a weathered cabin. When I took a closer look I realized it was Buddy, appearing very authentic in clothes I never saw him wear before. “Who…