
bound volumes

Bound Volumes: 09-19-24

Gallant Exploit—During the last week, Col. Mitchel, at Sacket’s Harbor, dispatched a small boat with four men in it to reconnoiter the Canada shore. After landing and traveling a few miles into the country, they met his majesty’s mail carrier, on his way from Kingston to the head of the lake. After taking from him the mail, they dismissed him, with directions to return and bring them another. We understand that its contents generally, are of such importance…

Bound Volumes: September 12, 2024

210 YEARS AGO: Song—I asked my fair one happy day—What should I call her in my lay? By what sweet name from Rome or Greece? Iphigenia, Clelia, Chloris, Laura, Lesbia, Delia, Doris, Dorimene or Lucrece? Ah! Replied my gentle fair, Beloved, what are names but air? Take thou whate’er suits the line, Clelia, Iphigenia, Chloris, Laura, Lesbia, Delia, Doris, But don’t forget to call me thine.
September 14, 1814…

Bound Volumes: September 5, 2024

Local Summary News: The Rock Band Concert Co. of London will give a concert in Village Hall on Monday evening September 16 under the auspices of the Y.M.C.A.
Tuesday evening was very favorable for observing the occultation or eclipse of Jupiter by the moon, which occurred about 10 o’clock, and which is a rare event. In some places it was complete, while in others there was a very close approach of the planet to the moon; at this point…


Bound Volumes: August 29, 2024

A returned soldier of the Sixteenth Connecticut regiment says that our soldiers who are prisoners at Andersonville, S.C. number no fewer than 12,000; that they are confined in an open field bare of all trees or shrubbery; and that, in these dog-day heats they are suffering severely. A similar account is given of a still larger number of Union prisoners confined in Georgia, where large numbers are dying from exposure, lack of food and proper attendance.
August 26, 1864…

Bound Volumes: August 22, 2024

A rebel invasion of the State of New York being seriously apprehended, Governor Seymour has directed Brigadier General J.A. Green to take charge of the northern boundary of the State, and to call out what troops may be found necessary to repel any marauders who may attempt to invade the State. It is stated that a large number of rebels have gathered in Canada for the purpose of making a sudden dash on the frontier towns of New…

Bound Volumes: August 15, 2024

Advertisement—For Sale, Twenty-six and three fourths of an acre of Land, lying about equally divided on both sides of the Great Western Turnpike Road, seven miles west of Cooperstown, in the Town of Otsego, being part of Lot No. 33, in Croghan’s Patent, formerly occupied by Samuel S. Munro, deceased.…

Bound Volumes: August 8, 2024


Advertisement—Just Received and for sale at H. & E. Phinney’s Bookstore, “The Justices’ Directory Improved or Points on Certiorari: Being a Digest of the Cases Reported by Caines & Johnson” by a Gentleman of the Bar—Price 37.5 cents.…

Bound Volumes: August 1, 2024

James Graham was executed at Delhi, Delaware County, on Friday last, pursuant to the sentence of the law, for the murder of Hugh Cameron and Alexander McGillivray in July 1813. He ascended the scaffold with a firm and bold step, and before being turned off, declared, and called God to witness, that he was innocent of the crime; and that if ever a murder was committed in the State of New York, his executioners were now about to…

Bound Volumes: July 25, 2024.

160 YEARS AGO: Lieutenant F.W. Foote of the 121st Regiment, reported killed, is alive and prisoner in Libby Prison, Richmond. He was wounded in an engagement on the 10th of May, captured, and was obliged to have a leg amputated above the knee. In a letter to his Mother he says: “I passed through everything safely until the 10th when about sunset, eight picked regiments selected from our corps were detached to charge a position of the enemy’s works consisting…

Bound Volumes: July 18, 2024.

William Cheney informs his friends and the public in general, that he will communicate to any person, the art of breaking horses or cattle, so that they may be made docile and gentle, or will break them himself for a reasonable compensation. He can inform any person, so that they will be enabled to break a Horse, that can be rode, in the space of one hour – even the wildest that can be produced. His terms can…

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