
bound volumes - Page 3

Bound Volumes: December 14, 2023

Local: It is suggested that the Literary Society of Cooperstown take the initiative in organizing the Otsego County Historical Society.
The law against coasting on the sidewalks should be enforced. If those who have icy walks in front of their premises will take the proper means to do away with the danger often resulting therefrom, they will do a good deed.
It is suggested that when the Cooperstown railroad orders new locomotives, they may be of the kind that uses…

Bound Volumes: December 7, 2023

The ceremonies attending the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg commenced this morning by a grand military and civic display, under command of Major General Couch. The line of march was taken up at 10 o’clock, and the procession marched through the principal streets to the cemetery, where the military formed in line and saluted the President. At a quarter past 11 the head of the procession arrived at the main stand. The President and members of…

Bound Volumes: November 30, 2023

The Watch-Care of Daughters—Parental instinct will guide all who have children of their own in the watch-care which should be bestowed upon their daughters. It will lead them to know what they read, with whom they associate, where they spend their leisure hours. And in Christian families this watch-care will extend to the domestics in their employ. Be their best friends and advisers; place in their hands interesting and proper reading matter, especially the best class of illustrated…

Bound Volumes: November 23, 2023

The inconvenience to which many residents of Cooperstown were put by the discontinuance of the gas service this fall looks to be overcome by the use of electricity. The Colliers Light, Heat & Power Company announced that Cooperstown people may have electricity installed upon terms that will make its use fully as economical as gas. The company plans to furnish at cost all stoves and apparatus, and will have a demonstrator here soon. Simple equipment will cost about…


Bound Volumes: November 16, 2023

Over 800 relics of Indian times have been presented to the museum at the Village Club by Dr. James C. Ferguson of St. Paul, Minnesota, a former resident of Cooperstown. The specimens are now being catalogued by Manager George N. Smith and will soon be on exhibition.…

Bound Volumes: November 2, 2023

The Republican Mass Meeting, advertised so extensively to come off at this place on Tuesday, was a rather slim affair. The fair grounds were not resorted to—Bowne Hall being found large enough to accommodate the “masses” in attendance, including the women and children who composed so large a proportion of the two petite processions which moved through the streets of the village, one of them occupying at least three minutes in passing a given point! Neither Dickinson nor…

Bound Volumes: October 26, 2023

Major League Base Ball clubs appear most favorably disposed toward playing exhibition games on historic Doubleday Field in connection with the Centennial Celebration of the National Game. Eight of the sixteen clubs of the National and American Leagues have expressed themselves. Recently, Lester G. Bursey, local program chairman, addressed invitations to the managements of all the clubs, to participate in the celebration by playing here. Replies have been received from the Cincinnati Reds, the Boston Bees, the New…

Bound Volumes: October 19, 2023

An association of citizens for the improvement of Common Schools in this County was organized on the 14th of November last (1837) appropriating the title “Otsego County Education Society.” Its annual meeting is on Tuesday succeeding the third Monday in October each year at the Court House in Cooperstown. It will fall this year on Tuesday, the 16th of October. Of all enterprises claiming public attention, it is hoped there is none more interesting than that of making…

Bound Volumes: October 12, 2023

Bound Volumes October 12, 2023 135 YEARS AGOAs the result of numerous inquiries among businessmen in Wall Street and elsewhere, a reporter of the New York Times reaches the conclusion that businessmen are, as a rule, less bibulous than were their predecessors a quarter of a century ago, and that it has ceased to be good form for a man to rush off to a saloon and close each transaction with a drink. The character of the drink has also…

Bound Volumes: October 5, 2023

In Our Town: The Cooperstown post office seems to be inhabited by prize-winners. Charles A. Schneider received notice this Tuesday morning that he had been awarded sixth prize—$25 in cash—in an amateur photographic contest conducted by the Ansco Company of Binghamton. The photograph was of little Kenneth Schneider, son of George Schneider, sitting on a fence in the act of taking a snapshot. The picture will be used in future Ansco advertising matter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fenimore Cooper…

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