
Pomeroy Foundation


Otsego County, Reclaim Natty Bumppo As Own

EDITORIAL Otsego County, Reclaim Natty Bumppo As Own Editor’s Note: This editorial, from May 6, 2016, is timely again today, after the news that the Pomeroy Foundation has awarded a “Legends & Lore” historical marker to both Fly Creek, home of David Shipman, and Hoosick Falls, home of Nathaniel Shipman. Alan Taylor, the eminent historian and author of the Pulitzer-winning “William Cooper’s Town” is emphatic in his conclusion: David Shipman was James Fenimore Cooper’s inspiration for the famed Natty Bumppo.…


Both Bumppo Claims Equal, Power Foundation Concludes

NEW CHAPTER IN HISTORICAL FEUD Both Bumppo Claims Equal, Power Foundation Declares By JIM KEVLIN • Special to FLY CREEK – Wuz we robbed? The Pomeroy Foundation has, finally, approved a “Legend & Lore” marker for the grave of David Shipman, whom James Fenimore Cooper himself identified as the model for Natty Bumppo, who ranks with Huck Finn among the foremost protagonists in American literature. At the same time, though, Pomeroy also approved a “Legend & Lore” marker for…