
Trout Unlimited David Brandt chapter


Exploration Days at Hanford Mills

Exploration Days at Hanford Mills The 2022 Exploration Days at Hanford Mills have been successful in giving visitors a chance to explore the Mill and experience a variety of engaging activities and programs offered by local presenters and staff at Hanford Mills. As part of the August 13th Exploration Day, they will again welcome cooper, Bob Allers. He will demonstrate historic coopering skills, sharing the tools and techniques of constructing buckets, tubs, casks, and other containers. Allers taught Earth Science…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, JULY 18 Jazz Concert at Meadow Links Golf Course CONCERT FEST – 7 p.m. Enjoy the Tom Hovel Summer Music Festival. This week is a performance by the Dan Sales Jazz Trio. Free. Rain or Shine. Meadow Links Golf Course, 476 Co. Rd. 27, Richfield Springs. 315-858-1646 or visit…