

Hometown History: May 2, 2024

Having outgrown its home in Huntington Library, the Upper Susquehanna Historical Society is turning its eyes toward the city government hoping to get some sort of storage space for its growing volume of historical records. Dr. Edward J. Parish, president, has appointed a special committee to confer with the Common Council on a place for the records and historical objects. On the committee are Julian B. Jackson, Chester A. Miller, Harry C. Bard, Mrs. Earl P. Francis and…


Editorial: Running in Otsego

In our lakes and streams, the white suckers have begun their annual spring run. The first fish to run each year, and the most numerous, these bottom-feeding fish have fleshy lips at the underside of their heads that scoop up algae, small invertebrates, and plants from the bottom of lakes and rivers.…


Citizen Science: Energy Demystified: Potential Energy’s Untapped Value

Potential energy is the energy stored in an object because of its position, condition or state. It’s the energy of anticipation, the calm before the storm, the coil in the spring, the water held back by the dam, the double-A battery fresh from the factory, the caterpillar before the butterfly, that butterfly and all his friends and relatives in your stomach right before the roller coaster’s plunge.…

Bound Volumes: May 2, 2024

The Sanitary Commission—Major Bush, of this village, delivered a lecture on Monday evening at the Presbyterian Church, presenting the claims of the Sanitary Commission. The weather was unfavorable, and as consequence, the audience was small. Mr. Bush made some interesting statements relating to the operations of this worthy organization. He spoke of its several departments, and gave some illustrations of the systematic and efficient way in which its work is performed, in relieving the sick and wounded. At…


Editorial: With Gratitude

National Volunteer Week is currently underway. Observed this year from Sunday, April 21 through Saturday, April 27, these seven days—the theme of which is “Celebrate Service”—provide an opportunity for those who volunteer to reflect on the people and causes that have inspired them to serve.…

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