2 Catholic Charities Offices Put
Under Oneonta’s Administration

ONEONTA – Offices in Oneonta, Delhi and Cobleskill have combined into a single agency called Catholic Charities of Delaware, Otsego, and Schoharie counties, based in Oneonta.
The change took place July 1, but was announced by the diocese today. Lynn Glueckert, the Oneonta director, has been named executive director of the three-county effort.
She said the merger will make the smaller Delaware and Schoharie operations stronger by allowing Oneonta to handle their administrative duties.
Since all agencies are (and will remain) under the umbrella of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany, this change is primarily administrative in nature. The change on July 1 did not affect Catholic Charities services or programs operating in the counties.
“Catholic Charities will continue to serve people from all faiths and backgrounds in the geographic area,” said Glueckert. “We serve all in need, regardless of faith, creed, race, or lifestyle.
“Residents of Schoharie, Otsego, and Delaware counties can continue to expect the same welcoming environment and high-quality service, and we are committed to maintaining locations and a physical presence in all three counties going forward.”
No changes are being made to the current service locations: Cobleskill, Oneonta, and Delhi.
Glueckert said this merger will take two smaller Catholic Charities agencies and make them stronger by combining them at the administrative level, and it has the potential to better position Catholic Charities for grants and government contracts by better reflecting the service delivery in the western region of the Albany Diocese. She pointed out that the new agency will give the three-county region a bigger voice and better position Catholic Charities to speak out on the issues affecting rural New Yorkers and those living in Delaware, Otsego, and Schoharie counties.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany is one of the largest, private social services organizations in the region. Serving 14 counties around the Capital District, Catholic Charities serves and empowers all persons in need, regardless of race, creed, religion, or lifestyle; advocates for a just society; and collaborates with women and men of goodwill.
Last year, more than 86,000 people turned to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany for assistance. Through the generous support of donors and the community, we are able to assist the poor and vulnerable with housing, food, emergency assistance, disabilities services, senior services, and much more.