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Letter from Barb Cannon

4Cs: Thanks for All Your Help!

The Cooperstown Community Christmas Committee (4Cs) extends sincere thanks to the following who went above and beyond for Santa this year:

Cooperstown Central School Coaches Lambert and Talbot and the boys varsity basketball team, and Coach Lippitt and the varsity wrestling team, as well as the CCS football team, for their assistance in setting up, taking down, and painting the stanchions and barricades; the CCS kiosk volunteers; Tin Bin Alley; the Fly Creek Cider Mill; Mitch Hotaling and the Village of Cooperstown crew; Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh; the village Fire Department, Police Department, and Fire Police; the Lake and Valley Garden Club; KC Ryland; Decorating Day volunteers; Claire and Bob Satriano; and Gavin Grady and Emerson Toulson.

We have always known it takes a village to bring the Christmas magic to our beautiful village, and each and every year our volunteers step up and make it happen.

The 4Cs appreciates all who gave their time this year!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Barb Cannon
Head Elf, Cooperstown Community Christmas Committee


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