
Letters To The Editor - Page 97


COLONE: Southside Should Explore Merging Into City

LETTER TO EDITOR COLONE: Southside Should Explore Merging Into City To the Editor: I’ve been tracking the fire contract issue between the city and town of Oneonta over fire services to the Town’s Fire District #1.  The lack of town leadership has once again raised its ugly head as evidenced by the Town’s longstanding failure to have a legally constituted fire commission and then by ignoring negotiations on this all-important matter as it was formally proposed by the City in early…


STAMMEL: Fire Commissioners Should Consider Resigning Posts

LETTER TO EDITOR STAMMEL: Fire Commissioners Should Consider Resigning Posts To the Editor: It is now 2016 and the failure of the Town of Oneonta fire commissioners to execute a fire protection contract with the City for this year is a serious and concerning matter. The town and city governments continue to work together on a host of efforts, including economic development, communications, sewer and water and highway work. Most of the town’s residents and businesses currently rely on the…


Fellow Town District Residents Say: Sign The Fire Contract With City Now

LETTER TO ALLOTSEGO.COM EDITOR Fellow Town District Residents Say: Sign The Fire Contract With City Now Editor’s Note:  Here is a Letter to the Editor of from Carol Malz, who was elected to the Town of Oneonta Fire District #1 board of commissioners on Dec. 8.  Because of the time-sensitivity of negotiations between the commissioners and the City of Oneonta on fire protection, send any letters to and they will be posted on this site. To the Editor of…


Town Board: Offer Would Raise Fire Fee Only 15¢ Per Thousand

LETTER TO ALLOTSEGO.COM EDITOR Town Board: Offer Would Raise Fire Fee Only 15¢ Per Thousand Editor’s Note:  This letter from the Oneonta Town Board arrived too late for this week’s editions of Hometown Oneonta and The Freeman’s Journal.  Due to its timely nature, we are publishing it as the first Letter to the Editor of our website.  To the Editor of The Town of Oneonta is protected by two fire districts.  West Oneonta protects the town basically west of…


STAMMEL: Voters, Thanks For Your Help

STAMMEL: Voters, Thanks For Your Help To the Editor: Thank you to everyone who supported me and our campaign this fall. These races are long and difficult and without the support of friends, families, and neighbors, they would be impossible. Thank you especially to former Rep. Rich Murphy, whose eagerness to offer me assistance and advice was instrumental.…


Condescending, Arrogant Editorial Fails To Heal Tensions

Condescending, Arrogant Editorial Fails To Heal Tensions To the Editor: In last week’s editorial, “Republicans Romped. Now, What Are They Going to Do?,” much was made of the results of the recent election for the Otsego County Board of Representatives. It was pointed out that county Republicans did very well, putting the Republicans, with 4,600 weighted votes, well ahead of the Democrats, with 1,627 weighted votes, in the county’s system of weighted voting.…


Litmus Test: Will Adjustments Make Village Residents’ Lives More Pleasant?

Litmus Test: Will Adjustments Make Village Residents’ Lives More Pleasant? The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 To the Editor: We are all entitled to utter vapid statements now and then. Unfortunately, at least one of mine was made out-loud, in public: At the Village Board meeting in November, during the public comment segment, I made the suggestion that if the board wanted to help Bassett Healthcare it would remove the time limit on parking in residential…


Many Have Received Unclaimed Funds. Don’t Give Up

Many Have Received Unclaimed Funds. Don’t Give Up The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014 To the Editor: After reading R. Scott Duncan’s letter in last week’s newspaper describing his difficulties retrieving funds through the state Office of Unclaimed Funds, I want to offer a few thoughts. The mailing from my office was intended to notify individuals of this useful service and to help people access the more than $13 billion in unclaimed funds held by New…


Letter Misleads On State Of Town Of Otsego Affairs

Letter Misleads On State Of Town Of Otsego Affairs The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 18-19, 2014 To the Editor: As supervisor, I wish to clarify some points in Sheila Ross’ letter of Nov. 21 implying the Town of Otsego awarded raises to many at the expense of the highway workers. The only raise awarded in the new budget was a cost-of-living 1.5 percent raise to the town clerk, whose office hours are 16 but who is on…


Search For ‘Unclaimed Funds’ Ends In Disappointment

Search For ‘Unclaimed Funds’ Ends In Disappointment HOMETOWN ONEONTA/The Freeman’s Journal Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 18-19, 2014 To the Editor: If you received the giant postcard from state Sen. Jim Seward’s office stating you may have “New York State Unclaimed Funds waiting for you! …There’s never any charges to search or file for unclaimed funds.” Don’t believe it. Don’t believe it. I was surfing the Internet a while back and decided to look into that site. I put in the…