First Friday in Cherry Valley

EXHIBIT OPENING—5-8 p.m. “Family Portrait.” First Friday event. Show runs through 12/1. 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or visit https://www.facebook.com/25maincollective/
YOGA—9-10 a.m. Suggested donations apply. Bring your own mat. Held each Friday. The Gatehouse, 129 Main Street, Morris. (607) 285-4111 or visit https://www.facebook.com/thegatehouseny
LIBRARY—10 a.m. “Coffee & Puzzles.” Held each Friday. Harris Memorial Library, 334 Main Street, Otego. (607) 988-6661 or visit https://www.facebook.com/harrislibrary/
OPEN HOUSE—10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Herkimer College, 100 Reservoir Road, Herkimer. (315) 866-0300 or visit https://www.herkimer.edu/openhouse
YOUTH—11 a.m. “Pre-K Storytime with Mary.” Free program to engage children with songs, stories, activities and more. Held each Friday. The Arkell Museum and Canajoharie Library, 2 Erie Boulevard, Canajoharie. (518) 673-2314 ext 106 or visit https://www.canajoharielibrary.org/
SENIOR MEALS—11:30 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a delicious meal Monday-Friday. Suggested donation is $4 for seniors, $10.60 for guests accompanying a senior. Today, enjoy a lunch of Spanish rice, tossed salad, corn bread and Mandarin oranges. Nader Towers Housing, 2 Mitchell Street, Oneonta. (607) 547-6454 or visit https://www.otsegocounty.com/departments/office_for_the_aging/index.php
SENIOR COFFEE HOUR—10 a.m. “Chilling, Chatting & Coffee.” Coffee, tea, pastries, games, puzzles, special events and good conversation. Held each Friday. Kinney Memorial Library, 3140 County Highway 11 Hartwick. (607) 293-6600 or visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/321873527872198/user/100000832819999/
LIBRARY—Noon. “Stories Come Alive.” Reading for children aged pre-K through third grade. Must be accompanied by a caregiver. Themed craft available after the story. Homeschoolers welcome. Held each Friday. Richfield Springs Public Library, 102 West Main Street, Richfield Springs. (315) 858-0230 or visit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064602523166
GARDEN—Noon to 12:30 p.m. “What’s Bugging You” series presents “2024 Tick Blitz Results” and “Fall Pests.” Integrated Pest Management webinars given by Cornell on the first Friday of each month. Visit https://cals.cornell.edu/2024-tick-blitz-results-fall-pests
LIBRARY—1 p.m. “Homeschool Hangout.” Join homeschool families for stories, activities, crafts and learning. Held each Friday. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1980 or visit https://hmloneonta.org/youth-programs/
POTTERY—1:30-4:30 p.m. Open Studio. Experienced potters are invited to work on personal projects and hone their skills. No instruction provided. $30/session. Held Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 6-9 p.m. on Thursdays. The Smithy Clay Studio, 1 Otsego Court, Cooperstown. Gallery@SmithyArts.org or visit https://www.smithyarts.org/
YARN CLUB—2-3:30 p.m. First Friday each month. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1980 or visit https://hmloneonta.org/adult-programs/
BLOOD DRIVE—3-7 p.m. Laurens High School, 55 Main Street, Laurens. Visit https://www.redcrossblood.org/
WORKSHOP—6-8 p.m. “The Art of Making Sourdough.” Fees apply; registration required. The Loaf Lab, 5 Prospect Street, Bainbridge. RSVP to theloaflab@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/TheLoafLab
HALLOWEEN—6-9 p.m. “Halloween Open Mic.” Costumes welcome. The Gatehouse, 129 Main Street, Morris. (607) 285-4111 or visit https://www.facebook.com/thegatehouseny
OUTDOORS—7-8:30 p.m. “Naked Eye Astronomy.” Presented by the Otsego County Conservation Association. Mohican Farm, 7207 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-4488 or visit https://www.occainfo.org/calendar/naked-eye-astronomy-2
REUNION—7 p.m. Cooperstown Central School Class of 1984. Open to mid-80s classes as well as faculty and staff. Cooperstown Distillery Beverage Exchange, 73 Main Street, Cooperstown. RSVP to ccsreunion1984@gmail.com
PLANETARIUM—7 p.m. Tour the Fall Night Sky with SUNY Oneonta Faculty. Fees apply; registration required. SUNY Oneonta Planetarium, Room 018A Perna Science Building, SUNY Oneonta, 108 Ravine Parkway, Oneonta. Visit https://suny.oneonta.edu/science-outreach-activities/planetarium
THEATER—7:30 p.m. “Murder on the Orient Express.” Based on the novel by Agatha Christie. Fees apply. Also showing 11/2 and at 2 p.m. on 11/3. Presented by the Catskill Community Players at the Wieting Theatre, 168 Main Street, Worcester. Visit https://catskillplayers.org/
THEATRE—7:30 p.m. “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.” Presented by Orpheus Theatre. Fees apply; registration required. Also held at 3 p.m. on 11/2 and 11/3, at 7:30 p.m. on 11/8, and at 3 p.m. on 1/9 and 11/10. Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, 24 Market Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1800 or visit https://www.orpheustheatre.org/
CONTRADANCE—7:30-10:30 p.m. Fun, social dance with the Otsego Dance Society, featuring music by the Spare Parts, with Bob Nicholson calling. Halloween costumes optional. Suggested donation, $10/adult. First Presbyterian Church, 25 Church Street, Cooperstown. Visit https://otsegodancesociety.weebly.com/
THEATRE—8 p.m. Broadway direct screening of “Alice in Wonderland.” Fees apply. Red Dragon Theatre, Hunt Union, SUNY Oneonta, 108 Ravine Parkway, Oneonta. Campus_activities@oneonta.edu or visit https://connect.oneonta.edu/event/10173519
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