‘Dare To Be’
FILM SCREENING – 6:30 – 8 p.m. Showing “Dare To Be,” an inspirational documentary following a series of athletes, from young girls to women training for the Olympic, as they overcome obstacles and seek greatness. Auditorium, Cooperstown High School. Call 607-547-8181 or visit www.cooperstowncs.org
WORKSHOP – 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Learn to use tools like JobNow, Optimal Resume to aid in the job search. Includes skills assessment tests, interview prep videos. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Call 607-432-1980 or visit hmloneonta.org/calendar/
BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK – 8 a.m. – Noon. Blood pressure checks, self navigation service offered free for National High Blood Pressure Month. Oneonta YMCA, 20-26 Ford Ave., Oneonta. Call 607-432-0010 or visit www.facebook.com/OneontaFamilyYMCA/
BOOK CLUB – 5:30 – 7 p.m. SJ Book club reads and discusses “The Making of a Dream: How a Group of Young Undocumented Immigrants Helped Change What It Means to be American” by Laura Wides-Muñoz. The Green Toad Book Store, 198 Main St., Oneonta. Call 607-433-8898 or visit www.facebook.com/TheGreenToadBookstore/
UPTOWN HOEDOWN – 6 – 8:30 p.m. Celebrate the inductees to the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame and be ready to boogie the night away. The Farmers Museum, Cooperstown. Call 607-547-9983 or visit cooperstownchamber.org/calendar-of-events/#!event/2018/5/31/cooperstown-chamber-hall-of-fame
YARN CLUB – 6 – 7:30 p.m. Knitter, Crocheter’s of all skill levels meet to work on projects. Accompanied youths welcome. The Study, Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Call 607-432-1980 or visit hmloneonta.org/adult-programs/