
1st amendment


Views Around New York State: July 8, 2021

Views Around New York State Suing Georgia over voting rights is just the start From The Albany Times-Union: Georgia was among a host of GOP-controlled states that in the aftermath of Republican Donald Trump’s loss to Democrat Joe Biden for the presidency have intensified efforts to pass laws brazenly aimed at suppressing votes by people of color. Georgia and its defenders offered the weak defense that some of the provisions it passed will expand voting rights, as if a little…


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Disagree? You Must Be Crazy

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Disagree? You Must Be Crazy There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. It’s as if they are members of a cult,” Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said of Trump supporters on Jan. 12. Former CBS news anchor Katie Couric agreed. “How are we going to really, almost, deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?” she asked Bill Maher. And both CNN and…


Local Governments Should Tend Our Roads, Not Our Minds

Local Governments Should Tend Our Roads, Not Our Minds Do we really expect our local elected officials to tell us what to think? Quite the opposite, probably. And yet instead of focusing on paving streets, keeping tax at a reasonable level, and providing whatever might be considered essential services, they seem increasingly determined to do just that. Three examples popped up in the past few days that suggest this may be spinning out of control, including at the February meeting…