Dissatisfied With Q&A,
CCS Parents Petitioning
For In-Person Briefing
COOPERSTOWN – Dissatisfied with last week’s three briefings convened via Zoom last week by the Cooperstown Central School administration, a group of parents is circulating a petition for an in-person meeting.
The petition is seeking an in-person meeting – perhaps in an outdoors setting, with reservations to ensure social distancing – where administrators and the school board can answer parents’ questions face-to-face.
Of particular issue is why the CCS administration delayed reopening schools from Sept. 9 to Oct. 5, and whether there is any assurance school will reopen even then.
According to a call to action posted on by parent Luke Poole, the petition drive began after the school district posted a Q&A based on last week’s parent briefings, and didn’t include many of the questions the parents had asked.
C.C.S. UNFORTUNATELY has always had an administration that is, at times…”influenced” by “HIGHER POWERS” that get what they want and anyone else doesn’t have much of a chance. I don’t like it either, but if you don’t have the right name……. you might as well forget it!!
Don Campbell,
Class of 1970
Go REDSKINS !!!!!!!!!!!