Explore SUNY Oneonta College Camp
with the Adirondack Mountain Club

COMMUNITY HIKE—9:45 a.m. Hike with the Adirondack Mountain Club. Bring appropriate equipment/water and be aware of your level of fitness. This week’s hike will be at the SUNY Oneonta College Camp. Contact hike leader Peggy Palmer, (607) 432-6024, or visit https://susqadk.org/
LIBRARY CRAFT—10 a.m. “Coffee Filter Hydrangeas.” Harris Memorial Library, 334 Main Street, Otego. (607) 988-6661 or visit https://www.facebook.com/harrislibrary/
TECH HELP—10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Stop in with a device to get tech questions answered, from navigating Google to using the library app. Each Tuesday or by appointment. Free. The Arkell Museum and Canajoharie Library, 2 Erie Boulevard, Canajoharie. (518) 673-2314 ext 106 or visit http://www.arkellmuseum.org/events-calendar
SENIOR MEALS—11:30 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a delicious meal each Tuesday and Thursday. Suggested donation is $3.50 for seniors, $10 for guests accompanying a senior. Today’s lunch Pulled pork on a bun, baked beans, squash and pears. Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. (607) 547-6454 or visit https://www.otsegocounty.com/departments/office_for_the_aging/index.php
LIBRARY—Noon. “Libby App 101.” Access library content with the click of a button. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1980 or visit https://hmloneonta.org/adult-programs/
GENEOLOGY GROUP—2-4 p.m. Group meets to work together to research family trees through library resources. All welcome. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1980 or visit https://hmloneonta.org/adult-programs/
TAX PREP—6-8 p.m. “Free Tax Preparation.” Get help with taxes from IRS-certified volunteers. Held Mondays and Tuesdays through 4/15. 2nd floor, Golisano Hall, Hartwick College, 1 Hartwick Drive, Oneonta. (607) 431-4338 or visit https://www.hartwick.edu/academics/academic-departments/business-administration-and-accounting-department/vita/
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