Historic Marker Unveiling at Damaschke Field

ONEONTA HISTORY—6:30 p.m. Historical Marker Unveiling for Damaschke Field, 15 James Georgeson Avenue, Oneonta. (607) 432-0960 or visit https://www.facebook.com/OneontaHistory/
BASEBALL—7 p.m. Oneonta Outlaws vs. Saugerties Stallions. Admission fee. Damaschke Field, Oneonta. Visit https://www.oneontaoutlaws.com
STORYTIME—9:30 a.m. “Baby & Toddler Storytime.” Bond with baby while staff share stories, activities and play. Recommended ages: birth-2. Held Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1980 or visit https://hmloneonta.org/youth-programs/
COMMUNITY HIKE—9:45 a.m. Hike with the Adirondack Mountain Club. Bring appropriate equipment/water and be aware of your level of fitness. This week’s hike will be at Homer Folks State Forest. Contact hike leader Jim Austin at (607) 437-5734 or visit https://susqadk.org/
YOUTH—10 a.m. “Preschool Tuesdays.” Structured learning environment for children aged 3-4 to explore the museum with an educator and participate in games, dances and craft activities. Held Tuesdays through 6/25. The Farmers’ Museum, 5775 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1450 or visit https://www.farmersmuseum.org/event/preschool-tuesdays-spring/2024-06-18/
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP—10 a.m. Free monthly drop-in group open to all aged 18+. Facilitated by staff trained in grief and loss. This is a safe and confidential space to focus on understanding the grief process, make sense of strong emotions, and learn from other community members. St. James Church, 305 Main Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-5525 to register or e-mail jessica.weeden@helioscare.org
TECH HELP—10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Stop in with a device to get tech questions answered, from navigating Google to using the library app. Each Tuesday or by appointment. Free. The Arkell Museum and Canajoharie Library, 2 Erie Boulevard, Canajoharie. (518) 673-2314 ext. 106 or visit https://www.canajoharielibrary.org/
FUNDRAISER—11 a.m. to 9 p.m. “Dine Out For A Cause.” Enjoy a meal and support Helios Care programs. Reservations recommended. Sal’s New Classic Pizzeria, 285 Main Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-6766 or visit https://www.helioscare.org/all-events/dine-out-for-a-cause/
SENIOR MEALS—11:30 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a delicious meal each Tuesday and Thursday. Suggested donation is $4 for seniors, $10.60 for guests accompanying a senior. Today’s lunch is chicken marsala, rotini in sauce, Italian green beans and poke cake. Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. (607) 547-6454 or visit https://www.otsegocounty.com/departments/office_for_the_aging/index.php
MEETING—1 p.m. Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board meet to review East Springfield, LLC Solar Farm Development. Public Health Nursing Conference Room, Meadows Office Complex, 140 County Highway 33W, Cooperstown. (607) 547-4225 Ext. 1
BLOOD DRIVE—1-6 p.m. Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, 24 Market Street, Oneonta. Visit RedCrossBlood.org
MEDITATION—5-6 p.m. “Cultivating Stillness: Weekly Meditation Group.” Held each Tuesday. Samye Hermitage New York, 412 Glimmerglen Road, Cooperstown. contact@samyeny.org or visit https://samyenewyork.org/
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