Oneonta’s Kim Elting, Daughter
Row To Win At ‘Head Of Charles’

By CHIP NORTHRUP • Special to
Despite wind and rain, rowers from Cooperstown and Oneonta competed with rowers from all over the world in the three-mile “Head of the Charles” race over the weekend in Cambridge, Mass.
They included:
- Kim Elting of Oneonta won the Mother/ Daughter event with daughter Teal Cohen, who is going to University of Washington to row next year.
- Lang Keith of Cooperstown rowed a single in the Men’s Grand Master (80+) race. Joe Novitski started right behind him and finished well in the Senior Masters (75+) Single event.
- Andrea Thies, the former Olympian from Oneonta who has been coaching the local rowers on Otsego Lake, rowed in a Cornell alumnae 8.
- Cooperstown’s Gib Vincent rowed with his 50th reunion Harvard Lightweight 8 championship crew. Vincent’s crew rowed in the first Head of the Charles in 1965 in Wellesley College jerseys, because the Harvard Lightweights were not allowed to row in a competitive race that fall. In 1966, the Harvard Lightweights were allowed to row as an official crew; that was the 50th anniversary celebrated this weekend.
- Dr. Laura Kilty’s daughter, Maddy Kramer, who attended CCS, rowed for BU. Alex Edidin, whose parents Cathleen and Av, summer locally, was coxswain for a four from California.
- Cooperstown’s Jacob Russell, coxswain for a Harvard team, also participated.
Times have changed. Over 50 rowers from the Rio Olympics competed in this year’s Head of the Charles, along with high schools, colleges and clubs from Japan, Germany, and the U.S.