
Butternut Valley Alliance


Otsego Outdoors Announces Its Winter Octet Challenge

“The Winter Octet Challenges are our most popular,” said Peg Odell, program and communications manager of Otsego 2000. “Some people love the snow and year-round recreation. And for others, when cabin fever hits, they are looking for something to do and get some exercise and fresh air. People tell us the Otsego Octet Challenges are a great motivator.”…


SFCU Opens Service Location in Morris

“We are pleased to see SFCU take this next step in its commitment to our community,” said Ed Lentz, chair of Butternut Valley Alliance. “It has been a pleasure working with them to ensure continued services in the valley and we have been impressed with their responsiveness to our needs. We look forward to the day when they are able to expand their services here.”…

Happenin’ Otsego: 06-09-24

FESTIVAL—9 a.m. to 4 p.m. “On the Trail of Art.” Stroll a forest gallery featuring art by local students and professionals, demonstrations, participation art, and strolling musicians. New this year: theater performances, a shorter trail and a crystal ball treasure hunt. Presented by the Butternut Valley Alliance at the Texas Schoolhouse State Forest, New Lisbon. Visit…

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