
Ellen Tillapaugh


Trustees Pondering Culverts, ‘Heroes’ Banners, Sign Law

The two most-discussed topics at the Cooperstown Village Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, August 26 had trustees looking both low and high across the village landscape. On the one hand was an issue related to amending a Special Use Permit in order to allow the construction of dwellings over a stream and culvert on a private property in the village. On the other hand was whether to pursue a request made by interested parties to update village law in…


Bassett Receives $17M in FEMA Reimbursements

The $17 million in COVID-19 reimbursement funding from the federal government’s Federal Emergency Management Agency follows an earlier FEMA distribution of $6 million. Providing that money, said Schumer, is both an act of thanks for Bassett Healthcare’s role during the “darkest days of the pandemic,” and a boost for the future in helping Bassett close budget gaps caused by the unexpected and additional spending that was necessary in order to serve its rural community following the arrival of COVID.…


News from the Noteworthy: Update on Proposed Housing in Our Village

Within the NYF process, no project was proposed for 217 Main Street, the former Where it All Began Bat Company. The village has long been interested in that site’s potential for housing. However—because of the NYF process—a developer of housing became aware of the property. Vecino Group ( is a national company dedicated to the development of affordable and supportive housing.…


Coworking Facility Opens

On May 31, Cooperstown Coworks opened its doors with a ribbon cutting accompanied by the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Ellen Tillpaugh and resounding support from the community.…

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