
Keith Wilcox


WILLCOX: Another Call for Voters This Election

Letter from Keith Willcox Another Call for Voters This Election In his letter of October 13th, Bruce Beckert gives a concise image of the current Republican Party. His sources of honest information might’ve included Fox News and Infowars, but those in the know are already familiar with them. He did sign his name, which puts him ahead of the “Sound-Offers” in that other paper. Most importantly, he urges us all to vote. Not to worry, Mr. Beckert. Keith WillcoxRoseboom Read…


WILCOX: Gunmen More Scary Than G-Men

LETTER from KEITH WILCOX Gunmen More Scary Than G-Men To the Editor: Rick Brockway states “every Democratic candidate…will take our guns away.” If he means the candidates advocate the confiscation of all guns owned by law-abiding citizens, he’s wrong. None of them takes that position. They are for stricter gun control, as well they ought to be. The guns, Mr. Brockway, I and other Upstate folks had growing up were nothing like what we’re faced with today. We’ve had, and…