
september 10


Best Bets by Larissa Ryan: Ride for Sept. 11

Best Bets by Larissa Ryan: Ride for Sept. 11 To commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11, ride your motorcycle with the Legion and the Red Knights, Chapter 44. All proceeds go to scholarships for the children of veterans since the 9/11 attacks. Cost is $20/participant. At the American Legion, Post 259, 279 Chestnut St. in Oneonta. Registration is from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m., with kickstands up at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 11. For info: 607-547-0494 or visit…


Bound Volumes: September 10, 2021

Bound Volumes September 10, 2021 210 YEARS AGO Public Notice – The subscribers, being legally authorized to use, and to vend to others to be used the impenetrable stucco, invented by Charles Morneveck, for covering the roofs of houses. Notice is hereby given to any person, or persons desirous of making a trial for themselves, or of purchasing the right to use, or vend the same in any place not previously disposed of, may be accommodated by calling upon the…