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Bound Volumes

May 11, 2023
210 Years Ago – [The Essay on the Bilious Epidemic Fever can still be read at this link:]
May 8, 1813

The Cherry Valley Gazette announces that the Central Bank at Cherry Valley resumed the payment of specie upon all its liabilities on the day previous. (Ed. Note: The banking crisis of 1837-1838 resulted from the issuing of private currency, or specie, by banking interests that had insufficient resources to redeem the notes) The Banks of New England, that intend ever to resume, will soon follow the excellent example of the New York and Boston banks. This general resumption at the North, made effective by the vivifying influence upon the country of a return to the sober pursuits of industry, will cause a speedy return of confidence in every department of business. It may be relied upon with certainty, that business will resume its former activity just as rapidly as the productive interests of the country shall furnish for it a solid basis to act upon. As a nation, and as individuals, we have for the year past, been in debt more than we have had the means to pay. Now, you might as well attempt to tame the hyena as to repress the animation and activity which will at once pervade every department of business.

May 7, 1838

Local – The Railroad Meeting, held in this village on Saturday evening last, was well attended, and considerable interest was manifested on the subject. The general impression and feeling is that Cooperstown will not long be without railroad communication; but the village cannot be expected to do the whole work. Other towns must aid, and if possible, companies already established must be made interested in the work. A road from here to the Central, or the Susquehanna, would be a valuable feeder.

May 8, 1863

Local – Mr. Shaw – It is quite a number of years since that famous game of old-fashioned baseball was played in Cooperstown. Why not try it over again, between the two parties to the “railroad war”? It would afford amusement and diversity, and help restore general good feeling. If I may make use of names, I would suggest as leaders – Siver, Brooks and Bundy on one side, Watkins, Pierce and Potter on the other, and Harris and Wilber as umpires – refreshments to follow at the close of the game. (Ed. Note: The famous game of old-fashioned baseball referred to above took place in mid-August 1877 using the rules of Town Ball rather than the New York Knickerbocker rules)
“The village of Cooperstown,” says Mr. Cooper in his Chronicles, “dates properly from 1788 for while the idea of a town is earlier, it was not systematically planned until the summer of 1788. The name of Cooperstown appears in one or two newspapers as early as 1786. A village map was made by Wm. Ellison, dated September 26, 1788.”

May 11, 1888

Ah Choy, our Chinaman, has sold out his laundry business and expects to leave soon for his native country. He says, however, that he is only going to make a visit to his relatives there and will be back to Cooperstown within a year or two. Choy came here from San Francisco fifteen or sixteen years ago and is a very popular citizen of the place. He is honest, courteous and generous. He shed his pigtail several years ago and adopted the American style of dress. The purchasers of the laundry are each named Harry Chu. There are two of them. One of them is the little fellow who has been employed by Ah Choy for some time. The other came from New York on Monday. They are cousins, both members of the Chu family.

May 14, 1913

Work is commencing this week upon the erection of a new building at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital for the purpose of accommodating the Library and a Lecture Hall. The new building is to be situated west of the tower and will be two stories high. The ground floor will provide rooms for various hospital purposes. The second floor will be on a level with the present library which is now located in the tower. The structure will have the same general character as the other units of the hospital and the building material will be stone with wood cornices and trimmings. The architect is Frank P. Whiting of Cooperstown.

May 11, 1938

Eleven members of the Junior class at Cooperstown Central School were inducted into the National Honor Society at an assembly held Friday morning. New members included David S. Baldinger, Randall B. Brown, Patricia A. Dewey, Ellen M. Feury, Michael S. Jastremski, Susan V. Langerhans, Lawrence G. Nelson, Peter B. Rames, Gretchen L. Sahler, Santa G. Sapienza, and Robert T. Williams. Speaking on the four principles of the Society were Miss Diane J. Hanson on the topic Character, Miss Susan Swatling, Service, Thomas H. Troeger, Scholarship and Lynn E. Green, Leadership.

May 8, 1963

Excerpt from a Column titled “The Water Rat” a series published in the summer season by Phil Frisbee: “I have seldom known anyone to regret spending an afternoon on a boat. More than once I have heard the acclamation, ‘This is the life of Riley!’ It is no news that this life is finite, and that its time is precious, but sometimes we forget this wisdom. We shouldn’t. If an opportunity beckons, it ought to be grasped. If you live near a river or a lake or an ocean, the waters are there to be enjoyed. Enjoy them.”

May 11, 1988

Brian Clancy, village of Cooperstown Public Works Superintendent and nine-year veteran on the CCS Board of Education, has been selected as the 2003 recipient of the League of Women Voters’ Public Service Award. Clancy was nominated by school board
President Kelly Brannigan. Brannigan noted his willingness to volunteer for extra duties. “Whenever a volunteer is needed, Brian is there. He quietly steps in and does whatever is needed, whenever it is needed.”

May 9, 2003


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