Denzel Washington In ‘Fences,’
To Begin MLK Events Tonight

ONEONTA – Hartwick College will honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and civil rights heritage this month by participating in a series of events that begin this evening with a screening of the 2016 hit movie, “Fences,” starring Denzel Washington.
Sponsored by St. James Episcopal Church, the movie begin at 7:30 p.m. in Southside Mall’s Community Room (near JC Penney).
Hartwick’s Pluralism Associates League for Students (PALS) will host its annual dinner discussion in the Chesebro Room in Dewar Union on the College campus on Monday, January 16, and present its annual Leadership Seminar on Saturday, January 20, also in Dewar Union’s Chesebro Room.
“It is wonderful that events honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement are being held at different locations in Oneonta, including Hartwick College,” said Associate Dean and Director of the Office of Intercultural Affairs Harry Bradshaw Matthews. “This year’s events are both remembrance and forward leaning to explore contemporary issues.”
The full schedule of events follows, and additional events may be scheduled. These are open to the public, unless otherwise noted, but advanced reservations may be required:
- Friday, January 5 – Race Matters: Movie Series: “Fences.”Rev. Kenneth Hunter, Pastor, St. James Episcopal Church, will be the presenter to introduce this free movie viewing. “Fences” was voted one of the top 10 films of 2016. Southside Mall (Oneonta) Community Room (near JC Penney’s). 7 – 9:30 p.m.
- Sunday, January 14 – The Martin Luther King, Jr. City-Wide Birthday Celebration. Saint Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, 39 Walnut Street, Oneonta. 2 – 4 p.m.
- Monday, January 15 – Civil Rights Movie and Discussion: “Separate, But Equal.” Facilitator: Harry Bradshaw Matthews, associate dean and director of the Office of Intercultural Affairs. Location TBA. 10 a.m. to noon
- Monday, January 15 – Dinner discussion: “The Changing Faces of the Civil Rights Movement: Who’s In and Who’s Out.” Hosted by PALS. Reserved seating required. E-mail Chesebro Room, Dewar Union. 5 – 7 p.m.
- Saturday, January 20 – PALS Leadership Seminar. Hosted by the PALS and the Office of Intercultural Affairs. Reserved seating required. E-mail Chesebro Room, Dewar Union. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Also, throughout the month, Stevens-German Library in Yager Hall will feature a showcase display of items related to Dr. King and the civil rights movement.
For more on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Heritage Month events, visit the website or contact Matthews at 607-431-4428 or at