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News Briefs Part I: June 27, 2024

Jimmy Wolf Band To Perform

ONEONTA—Famed blues artist Jimmy Wolf and his band will perform in Muller Plaza in downtown Oneonta from 5:15-6:45 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, Mayor Mark Drnek announced. Wolf has toured with many of the biggest names in rock and blues, including Bill Doggett, Jimmy “Fast Fingers” Dawkins, The Ramones, and Blood, Sweat and Tears. He has earned a First Nations Composer and American Composers Forum Grant for Outstanding Performance and Lasting Contribution, and was inducted into the New York State Blues Hall of Fame in 2015.

Lunches Are Free for Kids

ONEONTA—The National Summer Food Service Program will run a free summer lunch program for children in Oneonta in July and August in partnership with First United Presbyterian Church and Catholic Charities of Delaware, Otsego and Schoharie Counties. Grab-and-go child meal sites will be available at Greater Plains Pool and Wilber Park Pool from 11-11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday from July 8 to August 23. All children up to age 18 are welcome to enjoy a complete, free meal. No registration is required.

Church Group Plans for Trip

RICHFIELD SPRINGS—The Women’s Guild of the Church of Christ Uniting in Richfield Springs will host a community bus trip to a Texas Rangers/New York Yankees game in the Bronx on Saturday, August 10. Participants will board the bus at Richfield Springs Central School at 6 a.m. and should be returned by 9:30 p.m. A $138.00 ticket includes admission, bus fare, water and snacks, and trivia prizes. Families are welcome. Register by calling FaithAnn Young at (315) 868-2657 by Friday, July 26. All proceeds will benefit the Women’s Guild.

Literary Fest Set for October

ONEONTA—Hartwick College and SUNY Oneonta will host the Oneonta Literary Festival, featuring authors, readings and workshops from Thursday to Sunday, October 17 through 20. The weekend begins at 7 p.m. on Thursday with Hartwick’s annual Babcock Lecture in the Anderson Theater, delivered by author Anna Kornbluh. It will be followed immediately by a poetry reading from Rachel DuPlessis, conversations with the authors, a reception and a book signing. Poet and essayist Ross Gay will present a reading, Q&A and signing in Hartwick’s Slade Theater at 7 p.m. on Friday. Saturday will feature writing workshops at Huntington Memorial Library, readings at CANO and SUNY Oneonta, and a poetry slam at B Side. The weekend will conclude with a local authors event at CANO and more readings at SUNY Oneonta on Sunday. For more information or to inquire about participating in the festival, contact Assistant Professor of English Tessa Yang at

‘Quiet Concert’ Returns

SALT SPRINGVILLE—The Catskill Conservatory will present the 27th annual Independence Day concert and potluck supper at the historic Windfall Dutch Barn, 2009 Clinton Road in Salt Springville, at 4 p.m. on Thursday, July 4. “A Quiet Concert for the Fourth” will honor the memory of Louise Porter Moore, the guiding hand behind the barn’s restoration, who passed away in 1994.

The concert will feature internationally renowned bansuri (bamboo flute) player Steve Gorn, who first played at the barn for Moore in 1978. Fan favorites soprano Johana Arnold and keyboardist Kim Patterson, as well as the Gonzalez-Butterman Consort, will join. The concert is free and open to the public, although attendees are encouraged to bring a dish for the potluck supper. The Catskill Conservatory will provide table service and beverages.

Library To Host Story Time

RICHFIELD SPRINGS—The Richfield Springs Public Library, in collaboration with the Richfield Springs Community Center and the school district’s Community Literacy Partnership Committee, will host summer story time for young children at noon each Friday in July and August. Each event will feature an age-appropriate story time for children ages 18 months to 7 years and a themed craft project to take home. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Music Festival Starts July 13

DELHI—The Honest Brook Music Festival will return for its 35th season of chamber music concerts in a restored Delaware County barn on Saturday, July 13. All concerts are held at 4 p.m. on Honest Brook Road in Delhi, about two miles away from the intersection with State Route 28. The Ulysses Quartet will open on the 13th. Cellist James Baik and pianist Albert Cano Smit will perform on Saturday, July 20, followed by The Champlain Trio on Sunday, August 4. Pianist Nathan Lee will conclude the season on Sunday, August 11. Registration is required in advance; visit for more information.

Foundation Grants BHN $15K

HERKIMER—The Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties awarded $15,000.00 to Bassett Healthcare Network’s Valley Health Services to cover rehabilitative equipment. The new resources will assist patients recovering from strokes, neurological conditions or injuries, and surgeries.

FreshConnect SNAP Grant Applications Open

NEW YORK STATE—The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets announced that applications for the FreshConnect Community Supported Agriculture SNAP Grant Program will be open until 3 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27. Up to $250,000.00 is available to help eligible organizations, such as non-profits, Indian tribal groups, public education institutions and municipalities offer up to 50 percent off locally produced food to SNAP recipients while paying local producer the full market rate. It expands markets for New York State farmers and other producers, improves nutrition for SNAP recipients, and strengthens community bonds across the state by fostering direct relationships between food producers and consumers. For more information or to apply, visit There will be an informational webinar on Tuesday, June 18. Applications must request the full available award of $50,000.00 to be considered; awards will be made on a rolling basis until funding is depleted.

CCE Announces Evening Garden Programs

COOPERSTOWN—Cornell Cooperative Extension Schoharie and Otsego Counties will host a series of free, open evening gardening programs at its new learning and demonstration garden in Cooperstown. The garden is free and open to the public for self-guided educational tours. The scheduled evening programs include: Container Gardening, 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, June 27; All About Herbs, 4-5:15 p.m. on Thursday, July 18; All-American Selections Demonstration Garden Open House, 4-6 p.m. on Monday, July 22; Cornell Vegetable Varieties Garden Trial and Eastern European Vegetables, 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, August 22; and Harvesting and Cover Crops, 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, September 26. Pre-registration is available but is not required; visit for more information.

‘What’s Upstate NY’ Initiative Launches

NEW YORK STATE—Ten Otsego County organizations including the county government and Community Foundation have launched a new partnership with the What’s Upstate NY Initiative to create a dynamic recruitment website showing off everything the area has to offer. It will showcase residents, events and places of interest around the county to visitors and prospective newcomers in addition to its one-stop shop for attracting new talent from around the world. Interested organizations are urged to contact the What’s Upstate NY team for more details. Visit for more information.


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