Voters Deciding Today
On County, Town Races
Retired assemblyman Tony Casale, above, right, introduces Cooperstown insurance man Ben Novellano, Davenport, to Cindy Seward, left, seated next to her husband, state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, at this morning’s Cooperstown Rotary Election Day Pancake Breakfast, a traditional stopping off point for candidates and politicians. Novellano, a Cooperstown Rotarian, chairs the club’s Pancake Breakfast Committee. Next to Casale is his wife, Theresa, and son Vince, Otsego County Republican chairman, who is chatting with Allen Ruffles, unopposed for county treasurer in today’s voting. Inset photo, polling staffers Patricia Swanger, left, and Betsey Snyder check in voter Earl Peterson at Cooperstown’s polling place, the parish hall at St. Mary’s “Our Lady of the Lake” Catholic Church. Polls are open across Otsego County today for county and town races, as well as ballot questions including whether to call a statewide Constitutional Convention. Polls are open until 9 p.m. (Jim Kevlin/