



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 ‘Step Afrika’ Dance Performance PRESIDENTS DAY! PERFORMANCE – 9 – 10:30 p.m. ‘Step Afrika’ performs dance that uses the human body as an instrument as practiced by traditionally African American fraternities, sororities and incorporates song, story telling, audience participation. Admission, $3/person. Hunt Union Ballroom, SUNY Oneonta.…


At Summit, Gas, Green Advocates To Go Mano A Mano

At Summit, Gas, Green Advocates To Go Mano A Mano To the Editor: The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce Energy Infrastructure and Economy Summit will be held at the Otesaga Hotel in Cooperstown on Thursday morning as this edition of Hometown Oneonta comes off the press. The Chamber’s goal is to have a full discussion on energy options for Otsego County, each option discussed according to its merits.…


Around State, ‘Microgrids’ Require Gas From Fracking

Around State, ‘Microgrids’ Require Gas From Fracking To the Editor: In his recent response about a microgrid for the railyard, Albert Colone faulted me for not giving him credit for a source of energy that he never mentioned in his original article: biomass. Then he asks who, besides me, would not like that? Well, the hundreds of people who vigorously opposed and ultimately defeated a proposed wood-burning power plant in the railyards a few years ago would probably say, “No…


County Must Explore Fresh Thinking On Energy

County Must Explore Fresh Thinking On Energy   To the Editor: Dennis Higgins of Otego took a few pot-shots at my opinion piece which appeared in Hometown Oneonta and The Freeman’s Journal. In my piece, I wondered if an Oneonta Municipal Microgrid System might help expand local energy generation and availability in helping alleviate the limitations on our current energy capacity. I threw it out there as a question to try and stimulate some discussion for the good of more…


Ban Straws? If You Want To Recycle More Plastic, Focus On Worst Abuser

Ban Straws? If You Want To Recycle More Plastic, Focus On Worst Abuser To the Editor: Let me weigh in on  Amazon, Cuomo, the environment, and ignorance. First Amazon. Fourth-richest company in the world. Recent announcement of expansion in New York, thanks to the governor and his desire to continue to revitalize the Long Island City area which – if you have witnessed over the last 30 years – has become an extension of Manhattan. Not a bad thing perhaps, but…


Fighting For ‘Purity’ Always Preferable To The Alternatives

Fighting For ‘Purity’ Always Preferable To The Alternatives To the Editor: Mike Zagata’s (Jan. 10) “Renewable’s Not Ready To Replace Gas” is a prime example of “Reductio ad Absurdum”…treating a vital but complex issue as if it were all or nothing. Until we reach heaven, nothing is 100-percent pure, and informed advocates of wind, tide, or solar power don’t say they are. But compared to fossil fuels, they are overwhelmingly less toxic. Pitting “Climate Change” in quotes, as Trump also does,…


It’s Only Sensible To Lock Our Doors – And Borders

It’s Only Sensible To Lock Our Doors – And Borders To the Editor: Where do we live? On a park bench, covered with newspaper, open to the elements with no place to call home? Some do, but not all. Most, in fact, live in a building called a house – with walls, doors and windows. Our own private place of refuge. Do we leave those doors and windows open or closed? Do those doors and windows have locks? What, or…


Posting Too-Complicated Bills Serving No Purpose

Posting Too-Complicated Bills Serving No Purpose To The Editor: My hospital bill from a visit of six months ago just arrived. The bill says clinic visit $32 (for walking in the door?), laboratory $31.85, then it says contractual adjustment: +$55.46. Then says insurance payment Medicare -$93.54, then it says: Sequestration write-off: -$ 1.91. That was just to use the room!! Then the next line is the doctor’s fee … on and on it goes. How am I going to understand…


Letters What About Health, Retirement Benefits

What About Health, Retirement Benefits? To the Editor: Have you ever decided your own salary for the coming year? If so, did you opt to use another person’s money to give yourself a nearly 30-percent raise? Unlikely. Many of us would consider that unethical and shocking. The Otsego County Board of Representatives recently did just that, including their own generous raise in a half-million-dollar management salary reset. Some downplay the financial impact, but the county board raise alone will cost…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, JULY 21 Elvis Costello At Ommegang CONCERT – 5 p.m. Elvis Costello & The Imposters perform live. Show starts at 7 p.m. Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown.!events HISTORY READING – 7:30 p.m. Hear the letters of soldiers of the Civil War as ready by Wanda Burch, accompanied by original music written and performed by John Kenosian. Experience their loneliness, homesickness, and hope for survival. Windfall Dutch Barn, 2009 Clinton Rd., Cherry Valley.…