
Oneonta NAACP

Time Out Otsego: 01-19-25

CELEBRATION—2 p.m. “Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration.” Presented by the Oneonta NAACP on the theme, “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy in the Spirit of Non-Violence 365.” Goodwill offerings accepted for the charities “Your Safe Haven” and “Open Catskills.” Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, 12 Ford Avenue, Oneonta.…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 Celebrate The Life & Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. CELEBRATION—3 p.m. The community is invited to the “Let Us Fulfill The Dream” celebration of Martin Luther King’s birthday. The day will feature local leaders, musicians, college students, and scholars who will give statements, readings, and musical performances that honor Dr. King’s legacy. Free, open to the public. Held at the First United Presbyterian Church, 2 Walling Avenue, Oneonta. Visit…


Court Honors Local NAACP Leaders

Court Honors Local NAACP Leaders By Ted Mebust Lee and Joanne Fisher, founding members of Oneonta’s chapter of the NAACP, were honored with a portrait on Friday, October 28 at the Otsego County Court Annex Building in Cooperstown. The portrait was commissioned to honor their service to the causes of justice and equality for nearly three decades with the organization. In attendance were judges and court officials from across the state, with Supreme Court Justice Brian Burns, Director of New…


NAACP Membership: It’s Not About Color

NAACP Membership: It’s Not About Color By Monica Calzolari I just joined the Oneonta Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People after hearing Professor Gretchen Sorin speak about her book and documentary film by the same name, “Driving While Black.” I joined because I support equality and I was appalled by what I learned during her presentation at SUNY Oneonta’s Center for Racial Justice and Inclusive Excellence on October 13. Although I am painfully aware that…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: ‘Cooperstown Reflects On Racism’ 09-23-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 ‘Cooperstown Reflects On Racism’ COOPERSTOWN REFLECTS – 7 p.m. Join panel on Zoom to for ‘Cooperstown Reflects on Racism: History, Demographics, and Current Issues’ discussion with representatives from Oneonta NAACP, Cooperstown Graduate Program, Say Their Names exhibit, & Opportunities for Otsego. Presented by Cooperstown Village Library. Visit to register. COVID-19 TESTING – 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Otsego County residents are invited for free rapid testing for Covid-19. Find out quick, help stop the…


FISHER: Justice For All – Let’s Live Up To Ideals

JUSTICE FOR ALL NAACP’s President: Let’s Live Up To Ideals Editor’s Note: Lee Fisher, president of the NAACP, Oneonta chapter, delivered this address Sunday, June 7, at the Rally for Justice on the Otsego County Courthouse steps in Cooperstown. By LEE FISHER • Special to We hold these truths to be self evident, that all humans are created (and treated) equal with certain inalienable rights and among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now more than…


Oneonta MLK Day Celebration Postponed Until Feb. 3

Oneonta MLK Day Activity Is Postponed Until Feb. 3 ONEONTA – Citing Winter Storm Harper, the Oneonta Branch of the NAACP has postponed today’s Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration until next Sunday, Feb. 3. The service will be held from 2-4 p.m. at Temple Beth El Synagogue, 83 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. The Martin Luther King Jr. Day service at the First Presbyterian Church in Cooperstown is still scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 21.…


70 Honor Ex-Slave Who Chose ‘Freedom’ As His Adopted Name

70 Honor Ex-Slave Who Chose ‘Freedom’ As  His Adopted Name Boy Scout Tim Simmons, Troop 9, Edmeston, plays taps this afternoon after a historical marker was unveiled honoring Cato Freedom at the Butternut Valley Cemetery, Town of Burlington, where he is buried.  A former slave from Norwich, Conn., he won his freedom for fighting with Gen. Ebenezer Huntington’s Continental troops during the American Revolution.  More than 70 local historians and history enthusiasts gathered today as Lee Fisher of the NAACP, Oneonta…