
Cooperstown history - Page 2


Bound Volumes: 05-12-22

Bound Volumes May 12, 2022 212 YEARS AGO Poem – What art thou, Death; that we should fear the shadow of a shade? What’s in thy name that meets the ear of which to be afraid? Thou art not care, thou art not pain, but thou art rest and peace: ‘Tis thou canst make our terrors vain, and bid our torments cease. Misfortune’s sting, affliction’s throes, distraction’s poisonous breath; the world itself and all its woes are swallowed up in…



BOUND VOLUMES May 5, 2022 150 YEARS AGO The Daily Papers – For years past the people of Buffalo have received the New York daily papers several hours in advance of the people of Cooperstown. Under the new arrangement of the “newspaper express train,” we now receive those papers the same day they are printed — and one day in advance of the U.S. mail. This shows what private enterprise may accomplish. Mr. Beadle has the New York papers each…


Bound Volumes: April 21, 2022

Bound Volumes April 21, 2022 187 YEARS AGO A dreadful accident occurred at Amstadt, Austria — Linsky, the celebrated legerdemain performer, gave, in the presence of the family of Prince Schwartzburg Sonderhauser, a grand exhibition in which he distinguished himself by an extraordinary display of his art. Six soldiers from the garrison were induced to fire with ball cartridges at Madame Linsky, the young wife of the conjurer. They were, however, instructed, in biting the cartridge, to bite off the…


Bound Volumes 03-31-22

BOUND VOLUMES 212 YEARS AGO Just received and for sale at the Otsego Bookstore – The “Alcoran of Mahomet” (Ed. Note: a version of the Koran) Price in 1 vol. 2 dollars; in 2 ditto, bound in calf and neatly gilt, with a copious preliminary discourse, and abounding with large explanatory notes, 750 cents. Likewise Spelling Books, Murray’s Grammar, American Selection, American Reader, Art of Reading, American Preceptor, Dwight’s Geography, &c., &c., &c. March 31, 1810…


Bound Volumes 03-10-22

Bound Volumes 212 YEARS AGO Having seen and read a new publication entitled “Letters of Abbe Salemankis, to a Friend in Ireland,” I recommend the same to every American who feels an interest in the welfare of his country. In these letters are represented in a brief style, the effects which war systems, commercial wealth, bank companies and usurious loans produce on society. The American people will remain free no longer than while they read and reflect. There are men…


Bound Volumes 03-03-22

Bound Volumes 210 YEARS AGO Humanity! The ship Alknomac, Capt. Hicks, from Sligo, was cast on shore on Martha’s Vineyard about the middle of December last. Commodore Rodgers, in the President on a cruise, made a harbor there the same evening; and to his credit be it said, and particularly by Irishmen be it ever remembered, he generously gave the passengers, in number 80, two dollars each, and also offered them any further assistance they might require until they arrived…


Bound Volumes 02-10-22

Bound Volumes 185 YEARS AGO If a man by digging a well obtains good water, the product may be of immense value to him, and yet, this water which is the product of the labor of digging the well, is of little or no exchangeable value. That is, he cannot exchange it for any other product. The products of statesmen and professional men have improperly, it is believed, been called immaterial products. The labor of these classes is, or ought…


Bound Volumes: August 12, 2021

Bound Volumes August 12, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 210 YEARS AGO Quoted from the London Courier – “It is well known to the world that his majesty’s government (partly from the contempt in which it has held the men who have so disgracefully conducted public affairs in America) have not heretofore thought it expedient to resent their marked ill will and injurious acts towards Great Britain. These provocations…


Bound Volumes: August 5, 2021

Bound Volumes August 5, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 210 YEARS AGO Wisdom for the Merchant – Are you a merchant? Enter on your day book everything you let go on credit at the moment you dispose of it; never put it off till another time. The memory is treacherous and you may forget the number or price. Post your books every Saturday. Look frequently at your accounts. He…

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